Friday 2 April 2010

Je-S System redesign - to be released on 20 April 2010

As part of the scheduled Je-S System release on Tuesday 20 April there will be major changes to the appearance and function for all document types of Je-S. The changes to the Je-S login site have largely been driven by a need to make the Je-S web site more accessible. An external review of the web site highlighted a number of issues that meant that it was very difficult if, for example, you use screen reading software or cannot use a mouse.

The new site is therefore designed to address this issue and in addition we hope it provides users with more useful information and that it will be easier to navigate. We realise that the changes to the layout will seem strange to frequent users who are comfortable with the old layout and navigation, however, the changes are important for users who have accessibility problems.

Above, for information, is a guidance note which explains the changes and this is being sent to everyone who has been appointed by their Research Organisation to be a Je-S Approver or Submitter of documents submitted to the Research Councils.

We hope that you will agree that the changes are an improvement and welcome any feedback that would help us to continue to improve the Je-S System.

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