Please note that institutions are expected to fund the 'embedding'(i.e. incorporation of the resulting resource into teaching and learning) of the project themselves. Do make sure you speak to relevant people (e.g. head of centre) about this early on.
There appears to be no upper limit on how many bids any one institution can put forward, but please do let Sarah Anderson know ( if you plan to apply -- JISC would be a looking for a coordinated response from the University.
Dr. Sarah Anderson Research Development Advisor Edinburgh Research and Innovation Limited 1-7 Roxburgh Street Edinburgh EH8 9TA
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) invites institutions to submit funding proposals for a project to create innovative Open Educational Resources (OERs) around the theme of World War One. The full call can be found at 11.aspx.
The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is *12:00 noon UK time on 5th December 2011*.
Funding of £80,000 is available for a single project starting from January 2012 for 6 months. The project must be complete by July 2012; however institutional contributions may sustain the project in the embedding stage of the project until December 2012.
Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via BIS, SFC, DFES Wales and DEL Northern Ireland.
With regard to bids from Scottish institutions, SFC has applied a significant budget cut to JISC in 2011-12 AY. Following consultation with Scottish institutions, SFC has requested that the impact of this budget cut falls on the number of innovation projects JISC is able to fund at Scottish institutions, rather than to cut or increase charges for national services, such as JANET, JISC Collections and JISC Advance. Whilst Scottish institutions therefore remain eligible to bid for project funding in response to this call, JISC may need to limit the number of projects awarded to Scottish institutions.
Proposals may be from single institutions or consortia. Partnership arrangements may be developed outside the sector (for example with research council sites, publishers, commercial suppliers) and internationally, but the lead partner must meet the criteria outlined above. Funds can only be allocated through the lead partner and distributed within the UK. If the project establishes international partnerships, the associate organisations may only make 'in-kind' contributions such as allocating human resource, expertise and/ or equipment etc, but may, of course seek out funding mechanisms within their own territory to support the project.
Further information on JISC is available at: <