Friday, 2 April 2010

Thales Scottish Technology Prize Launch - 28th April 2010

Dear colleague - please see below information about the Thales Scottish Technology Prize which is focussed in the area of product engineering. I would appreciate it if you could forward this to colleagues who might be interested in the competition. Key dates include: 28th April 2010: Launch Event 14th July: Entry Deadline 13th October: Awards Event Thales UK is pleased to announce the launch of the Thales Scottish Technology Prize for Product Engineering 2010. The theme of 'Product Engineering' seeks to discover new technology to enable new types of products or to develop existing ones. Researchers and university staff who have an interest in product engineering are invited to submit details of projects that will benefit your university and our company.

The financial awards are substantial and could help to further your research activities! First Place £20,000 (Institution), £2,500 personal prize Second Place £2,000 personal prize Third Place £1,000 personal prize Finalist Prizes £500 personal prize In addition to the 2010 Thales Scottish technology prize, we are pleased to announce a supplementary prize for undergraduates. By explaining how their final year project relates to Thales business, undergraduates have the chance to win a personal 1st prize of £1000 with £500 awarded to the runner up.

The 2010 Thales Scottish Technology Prize will formally be launched to researchers and university staff on the 28th of April at Thales' offices in Glasgow. This event will offer attendees a briefing on the theme of this year's prize as well as providing a unique insight into Thales' business and products.

Places are limited so please register your place before the 8th of April 2010.

As ever, the competition is easy to enter and should take no longer than 1 hour of your time. In addition, all IP remains with you as the entrant. For more information on the prize and how to enter, please visit

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