ERI Research Support and Development
*Thursday 1st April 2010*
*This issue brings you key information about EU Week - a programme of events for Edinburgh researchers. Read down to find out more. We've also got details of the latest funding opportunities and events.*
*Advance Notice of BBSRC E-Learning Call*
The BBSRC will shortly announce a call for proposals to develop web-based courses in systems biology.
* BBSRC announcement
*ERI Closure over Easter*
A reminder that there will be no ERI Research Support Service for the College of Science and Engineering on Monday 5th April 2010. One Research Support Advisor will be available to the College on Friday 2nd April.
*International Collaboration*
*International Exchanges, Royal Society of Edinburgh*
Up to £3,000 for visits of 1-4 weeks to or from Scotland. International partner must be based in one of the countries the Society has a formal agreement with under its Bilateral programme. The next deadline for applications is *30th April 2010*.
*Marie Curie Fellowships, European Commission*
Marie Curie Fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral researchers in any subject. Fellowships last 1-2 years and can bring an early-career researcher from another European country to Edinburgh
(Intra-European Fellowship) or from further afield to Edinburgh (International Incoming Fellowship). For both calls, deadline is *17th August 2010*.
*Funding Opportunities*
*Cross-disciplinary feasibility account, EPSRC*
Award of £250,00 for an existing cross-disciplinary research group to explore new, potentially high-impact research directions. Deadline is *20th April 2010.*
*Grand Challenges Explorations, Bill & Melinda Gates>*
Initial grants of US$100,000 - with possible extension - to overcome global health challenges. For the current call, there is an emphasis on the application of technology. Outline proposal deadline is *19th May 2010*.
*Knowledge Exchange Call, NERC
The call will open in mid-April 2010, with a closing date of *19th May 2010*.
*Managing Research Data 4/10, JISC*
Call to fund projects which promote research data management skills. Deadline is *25th May 2010*.
*Managing Research Data 14/9, JISC*
Funding to either improve methods for citing, linking and integrating research data or to explore innovative technical and organisational models for data publication. Scottish institutions can only be partners - they cannot lead a bid. Deadline is* 25th May 2010. *
*EPSRC Follow-on Fund*
To develop the commercial potential of ideas generated by EPSRC research grant funding. Deadline is *26th August 2010*.
*Our Events*
*An Introduction to Research Funding*
Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.
*Date:* 22nd April 2010
*Confirmed academic speaker:* Douglas Armstrong
*Time: *10:00-14:00 (includes lunch)
*Venue:* Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place
*Booking:* email
*Further information:* ERI website
*JISC Conference 2010*
JISC funds research which promotes the innovative use of digital technologies in UK universities and colleges. JISC's annual conference takes place this month and has the theme "Technology: at the heart of education and research". You can follow the conference online if you can't attend in person, and all delegates - physically present or not - can network online prior to and during the conference.
*When:* 12-13th April 2010
*Further information: *JISC website - conference pages
*Conference online networking:* Join-in online