Thursday, 22 April 2010

EU Week! 3rd-7th May 2010

*EU Week* - 3rd-7th May 2010, University of Edinburgh

ERI Research Support and Development

*EU Week will run from the *3rd to the 7th May 2010. *All University of Edinburgh researchers are warmly invited to attend the events on offer. *

While UK research funders are tightening their belts, the European Commission continues to have strong streams of funding available. To help the University of Edinburgh make the most of the opportunities on offer, staff at Edinburgh Research and Innovation and the University's Dean International for Europe, Professor Andrew Scott, will be hosting EU Week in early May.

EU Week events will allow researchers to learn more about funding opportunities from the key UK representatives for a number of the European Commission's funding schemes. Whether you're experienced with EU funding or you're wondering where to start, there will be something of interest to you.

*Programme of Events*

*Monday 3rd May 2010* - 10:00-11:30 - Scotland Europa

*Tuesday 4th May 2010* - 10:00-11:30 - International Cooperation

*Wednesday 5th May 2010* - 10:00-13:00 - UK Research Office (UKRO)

14:00-15:30 - Energy National Contact Point

*Thursday 6th May 2010 * - 10:00-12:00 - Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities National Contact Point

14:00-16:00 - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies National Contact Point

14:30-16:30 - Science in Society National Contact Point

*Friday 7th May 2010* - 09:30-11:30 - Health National Contact Point

12:00-16:00 - European Commission: Marie Curie

*ERI Research Support and Development* College of Science and Engineering Follow us on twitter

Friday, 2 April 2010

EU Week at the University of Edinburgh

Please see below links to information about 'EU week' that has been arranged for 3rd-7th May 2010.

The purpose of the week is to highlight EU funding streams and opportunities that are available.

The general information page:

The Programme of events: ERI have arranged the event and staff can make bookings for each of the sessions through MyEd. Just follow the links from the events pages.

Call for Applications - UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme

I would like to remind you of the British Council's UK-US New Partnership fund, 'a $500,000 program to develop new strategic links between higher education institutions'. In a nutshell, up to £20,000 are available for student/postdoc/faculty exchange visits, to develop research collaborations and joint degrees. For more information, please see

Finally, the RCUK Office in Washington DC provides a summary of research council US-UK funding opportunities on their website, which is updated regularly. Please see

UK - USA Partners in Science *Call for Applications - UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme* The UK's Science & Innovation (S&I) Network in the US is proud to announce the second round of our UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme. These competitive awards have been created to enable our contacts and partners to further develop relationships that have formed as a result of our various activities (workshops, conferences, visits, etc). The CDAs are small travel grants covering transportation, accommodation and subsistence (no more than £2000) to allow UK and US scientists, engineers, academic leaders and innovation experts to travel in either direction to develop their partnerships. Ideal projects will be focused on delivering strong collaborative results (i.e. joint publications, joint funding applications, student / postdoc exchanges, etc.) in the next 6-12 months.

In this second round we've been able to stretch the timeline to allow for greater flexibility. *Applications are due on 9 May*, and successful applicants will be notified on or before 4 June. *All travel funded by these awards should be completed by 1 October*.

Thales Scottish Technology Prize Launch - 28th April 2010

Dear colleague - please see below information about the Thales Scottish Technology Prize which is focussed in the area of product engineering. I would appreciate it if you could forward this to colleagues who might be interested in the competition. Key dates include: 28th April 2010: Launch Event 14th July: Entry Deadline 13th October: Awards Event Thales UK is pleased to announce the launch of the Thales Scottish Technology Prize for Product Engineering 2010. The theme of 'Product Engineering' seeks to discover new technology to enable new types of products or to develop existing ones. Researchers and university staff who have an interest in product engineering are invited to submit details of projects that will benefit your university and our company.

The financial awards are substantial and could help to further your research activities! First Place £20,000 (Institution), £2,500 personal prize Second Place £2,000 personal prize Third Place £1,000 personal prize Finalist Prizes £500 personal prize In addition to the 2010 Thales Scottish technology prize, we are pleased to announce a supplementary prize for undergraduates. By explaining how their final year project relates to Thales business, undergraduates have the chance to win a personal 1st prize of £1000 with £500 awarded to the runner up.

The 2010 Thales Scottish Technology Prize will formally be launched to researchers and university staff on the 28th of April at Thales' offices in Glasgow. This event will offer attendees a briefing on the theme of this year's prize as well as providing a unique insight into Thales' business and products.

Places are limited so please register your place before the 8th of April 2010.

As ever, the competition is easy to enter and should take no longer than 1 hour of your time. In addition, all IP remains with you as the entrant. For more information on the prize and how to enter, please visit

SE Funding News, 1st April 2010

ERI Research Support and Development

*Thursday 1st April 2010*

*This issue brings you key information about EU Week - a programme of events for Edinburgh researchers. Read down to find out more. We've also got details of the latest funding opportunities and events.*


*Advance Notice of BBSRC E-Learning Call*

The BBSRC will shortly announce a call for proposals to develop web-based courses in systems biology.

* BBSRC announcement

*ERI Closure over Easter*

A reminder that there will be no ERI Research Support Service for the College of Science and Engineering on Monday 5th April 2010. One Research Support Advisor will be available to the College on Friday 2nd April.

*International Collaboration*

*International Exchanges, Royal Society of Edinburgh*

Up to £3,000 for visits of 1-4 weeks to or from Scotland. International partner must be based in one of the countries the Society has a formal agreement with under its Bilateral programme. The next deadline for applications is *30th April 2010*.

*Marie Curie Fellowships, European Commission*

Marie Curie Fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral researchers in any subject. Fellowships last 1-2 years and can bring an early-career researcher from another European country to Edinburgh (Intra-European Fellowship) or from further afield to Edinburgh (International Incoming Fellowship). For both calls, deadline is *17th August 2010*.

*Funding Opportunities*

*Cross-disciplinary feasibility account, EPSRC*

Award of £250,00 for an existing cross-disciplinary research group to explore new, potentially high-impact research directions. Deadline is *20th April 2010.*

*Grand Challenges Explorations, Bill & Melinda Gates>*

Initial grants of US$100,000 - with possible extension - to overcome global health challenges. For the current call, there is an emphasis on the application of technology. Outline proposal deadline is *19th May 2010*.

*Knowledge Exchange Call, NERC <>*

The call will open in mid-April 2010, with a closing date of *19th May 2010*.

*Managing Research Data 4/10, JISC*

Call to fund projects which promote research data management skills. Deadline is *25th May 2010*.

*Managing Research Data 14/9, JISC*

Funding to either improve methods for citing, linking and integrating research data or to explore innovative technical and organisational models for data publication. Scottish institutions can only be partners - they cannot lead a bid. Deadline is* 25th May 2010. *

*EPSRC Follow-on Fund*

To develop the commercial potential of ideas generated by EPSRC research grant funding. Deadline is *26th August 2010*.

*Our Events*

*An Introduction to Research Funding*


Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.


*Date:* 22nd April 2010 *Confirmed academic speaker:* Douglas Armstrong *Time: *10:00-14:00 (includes lunch) *Venue:* Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place *Booking:* email *Further information:* ERI website

*JISC Conference 2010*

JISC funds research which promotes the innovative use of digital technologies in UK universities and colleges. JISC's annual conference takes place this month and has the theme "Technology: at the heart of education and research". You can follow the conference online if you can't attend in person, and all delegates - physically present or not - can network online prior to and during the conference.

*When:* 12-13th April 2010 *Further information: *JISC website - conference pages *Conference online networking:* Join-in online

Je-S System redesign - to be released on 20 April 2010

As part of the scheduled Je-S System release on Tuesday 20 April there will be major changes to the appearance and function for all document types of Je-S. The changes to the Je-S login site have largely been driven by a need to make the Je-S web site more accessible. An external review of the web site highlighted a number of issues that meant that it was very difficult if, for example, you use screen reading software or cannot use a mouse.

The new site is therefore designed to address this issue and in addition we hope it provides users with more useful information and that it will be easier to navigate. We realise that the changes to the layout will seem strange to frequent users who are comfortable with the old layout and navigation, however, the changes are important for users who have accessibility problems.

Above, for information, is a guidance note which explains the changes and this is being sent to everyone who has been appointed by their Research Organisation to be a Je-S Approver or Submitter of documents submitted to the Research Councils.

We hope that you will agree that the changes are an improvement and welcome any feedback that would help us to continue to improve the Je-S System.