Monday, 8 February 2010

SE Funding News | 5th Feb 2010 | New Leverhulme and International Opportunities | EU insights]

*Sneak Peaks into 2011 EU Funding Calls*

As mentioned in our newsletter on 15th January, we're starting to get indications of what might come up in the 2011 round of Framework Programme (the key source of European research funding) calls. All of the calls will be published in July 2010. Science in Society <> is the latest strategy paper from the European Commission. Earlier strategy papers are on our website <>.

*International Collaboration *

*COST Actions*

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) funds European networking activities including conferences, exchanges, publications and training schools. The scheme works on an open deadline basis.

*EUROCORES - Now Open for Applications* is a scheme run by the European Science Foundation. It supports collaborative research involving at least three European countries. UK-based researchers can participate in the call Molecular Science for a Conceptual Transition from Fossil to Solar Fuels the deadline for which (outlines only) is *26th March 2010.*

*Partnership Development Grants, Prime Minister's Initiative*

These are awards of up to £2,000 which can be used to develop new institution-level partnerships between the UK and the Middle East, Asia, Ghana, Nigeria or the United States. Activities can include joint research and teaching. The deadline is *31st March 2010*.

*Funding Opportunities*

*Major Research Fellowships, Leverhulme Trust*

These allow distinguished researchers to devote themselves to a 2-3 year project in any discipline save medicine. The fellowship funds a full-time junior replacement for the fellow. The deadline is *7th May 2010*.

*Philip Leverhulme Prizes, Leverhulme Trust*

A number of awards - £70,000 each - for outstanding scholars under the age of 36. The University has done well with these before. Nominations must be received by *17th May 2010.*

*ERI Events*

*ERI Learning Lunch CSE Postgraduate Funding*

This Learning Lunch is aimed at prospective PhD supervisors. It will provide a networking opportunity for those involved in postgraduate recruitment, supervision, administration and funding, and will cover:

* Funding streams for supervisors and students, current and future opportunities, sources of information and how to use funding inovatively * How to attract the best students and assist applicants and inquirers

Arrangements are:

* Date: 10th February 2010 * Time: 12:00-14:00 (including lunch at 12:30pm) * Location: Lecture theatre 2, Daniel Rutherford Building, KB * Booking: Using MyEd

*An Introduction to Research Funding Engineering and Physics*

Download a poster

This workshop is aimed at researchers who are about to embark on a postdoctoral research career. It provides and overview of funding options, practical guidance on preparing an application and an opportunity to hear from successful researchers.

* Date: 23rd February 2010 * Time: 10:00-14:00 * Venue: Lecture Theatre C, SAC Peter Wilson Building, KB * Booking: email

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