Friday, 26 February 2010

Scottish Government Personal Research Fellowship co-funded by Marie Curie Actions

Closing Date: 29 March 2010

Whilst the Fellowship may be in any of the disciplines as defined in the regulations, including inter-disciplinary areas, preference will be given to research likely to enhance the transfer of ideas and technology from the research community into increasing sustainable economic growth for all. The research projects proposed must align to one or more of the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes.

Under the European Commission FP7 Marie Curie COFUND, funding is now available to enhance the Personal Research Fellowships with additional support to allow international collaborations to be established and networks set up.

To this end the Society, with the advice of the Scottish Government, will ensure that a proper balance is maintained within the programme as a whole.

For more information please go to:

Deadline for submission of Outline Proposals

Thursday 8th April 2010, 12:00 p.m. (noon) CET

The thematic programme “Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture (EuroUnderstanding)” addresses a set of inter-related questions of major current theoretical and practical importance, such as: How do communicative processes give rise to shared understandings, and how do these processes vary between cultures? How do intercultural misunderstandings arise, and what are their consequences? How do cultural and historical processes, and cultural-cognitive models, impinge on individual cognition, cognitive development and the development of personal identity? How can intercultural communication be made more effective in diverse cultural contexts?

Scientific Objectives
Understanding and misunderstanding can and should be investigated at differing levels of analysis, from neural to cultural processes. However, a comprehensive explanatory account of these phenomena requires the integration of the different levels in a non-reductionist framework. The Humanities disciplines, with their focus on meaning, are crucial to this explanatory integration. EuroUnderstanding provides opportunities for Humanities-based researchers to collaborate with each other, and with researchers from life and social science disciplines, in advancing the science and scholarship of understanding and misunderstanding.

For more information please go to:

Development & Alumni Small Project Grants, 2010

The application deadline for the next round of Small Project Grants is 5pm on the 31st March 2010. I would be grateful if you could notify any students who the funding may benefit.

Small Project Grants are intended to promote new initiatives in teaching, research and student provision at The University of Edinburgh, especially where relatively small sums can achieve significant effect. We have £65,000 to be distributed to students, staff, clubs, societies and University support services for a range of research projects, teaching and student activities.

The Small Project Grant programme exists thanks to the generosity of graduates and friends through their donations to the Edinburgh Fund. The programme is managed by The University of Edinburgh Development Trust, a charity set up to provide philanthropic support for the University.

Application forms are available at or by contacting the Development Office. Detailed guidelines are included with the application form, and a list of recent awards are also available on the website. Please be advised that all applications must be signed by an appropriate referee (refer to guidelines).

If you have any queries regarding eligibility or filling out the application form, please contact the Development Office on 0131 650 2240 or email

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Fwd: Royal Society Funding Newsletter - February 2010

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The Royal Society

Royal Society Funding Newsletter - February 2010

Dear Professor Fourmann,

It is my pleasure to enclose an update on Royal Society funding opportunities - please feel free to forward this newsletter to colleagues and friends who may be interested.

If you would prefer not to receive these emails, please follow the link at the bottom of the page to unsubscribe.

Best wishes,
Katie Singer
Impact and Promotion Manager, Grants

The Royal Society
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7451 2598


1. Early Career Fellowship schemes:
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

2. Senior Fellowship schemes:
Wolfson Research Merit Awards

3. Innovation schemes:
Industry Fellowship Scheme

4. Research Capacity and Infrastructure schemes:
Research Grants
Leverhulme Royal Society Africa Awards

5. Mobility Grant schemes:
International Joint Projects
International Travel Grants

The Royal Society is celebrating its 350th anniversary in 2010 with a year-long programme of activities and publications; more details are available at


1. Early Career Fellowship schemes:

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers provides opportunities to young postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. The program aims to help such researchers advance their own research while contributing to the advancement of research in Japan and the counterpart countries. The Royal Society is a nominating authority for this scheme and aims to support excellent researchers from the UK gain experience overseas and create strong collaborative links with Japan.

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a doctorate degree when the Fellowship goes into effect, which must have been received within six years prior to 2 April 2010 (i.e. awarded on or after 2 April 2004). Scientists in the final year of their PhD can submit an application. If successful, the award will only be given subject to the confirmation of his/her PhD at the time when the award is taken up. Applicants must be UK or EU citizens resident in the UK at the time of application.

Length of tenure:  Between 12 months minimum and up to 24 months maximum.

Place of tenure:

Value: Subsistence - 364,000 yen per month. A settling-in allowance at the start of the Fellowship of 200,000 yen. A return air ticket (based on JSPS regulations). Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage. A research grant of up to 1,500,000 yen per year.

Website link:

Opening date: 25 January 2010
Closing date: 1 March 2010

2. Senior Fellowship schemes:

Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Awards

Jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and BIS, this scheme aims to provide universities with additional support to enable them to attract to this country, or retain, respected scientists of outstanding achievement and potential. Awards are made to the university and as such researchers must remain at the university named on the application.
The focus of the award is salary enhancement. Research expenses are also considered for research costs not suitable for Research Councils' research grants applications and for overseas applicants to support integration into the UK research and funding environment.

Eligibility: Applicants can be of any nationality and must hold, or be guaranteed, a permanent post at a UK university.  All applicants must have their basic salary wholly funded by the university.
Length of tenure: Five years funding after which the award holder continues with the permanent post at the host university.

Place of tenure: UK university.  Please note that these awards are made to the host university and cannot be transferred to another university.

Value: Salary enhancements have been made usually in the range of £10K to £30K per annum. 

Website link:

Opening date:
26 January 2010
Closing date:  9 March 2010

3. Innovation schemes:

Industry Fellowship Scheme

This scheme aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between those in industry and those in academia. It provides opportunities for an academic scientist to work on a collaborative project with industry, or someone employed in industry to work on a collaborative project with a university department or a not-for-profit research organisation.  It is anticipated that fellows will establish personal and corporate links between the two sectors in the UK as a foundation for their long-term future development.

Applicants can be of any nationality and should be at a stage in their career when they would particularly benefit from establishing or strengthening personal and corporate links between the two sectors as a foundation for long-term future collaboration and development. They should hold a PhD or be of equivalent standing in their profession and hold a permanent post in either a UK university, a UK not-for-profit research organisation (e.g. the Health & Safety Executive), or in UK industry.

Length of tenure: The award can be for any period up to two years full-time or pro rata, i.e. it could be held at 50% part-time for four years enabling fellows to maintain links with their employing institution more easily.

Place of tenure: Must involve transfer between UK private industry and a UK university or a not-for-profit research organisation. Publicly funded bodies are not eligible to act as the industrial partner.
Value: The fellow's salary only will be met during the secondment; the employing institution continues to pay national insurance and pension contributions. Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2000 per year.

Website link:  

Opening date:  Currently open
Closing date: 24 March 2010


4. Research Capacity and Infrastructure schemes:

Research Grants

This scheme provides 'seed corn' funding for new projects initiated by research scientists at an early stage of their career (within the first 5 years). The objective of the scheme is to increase the availability of specialised equipment, consumable materials and services, and to support essential field research. The scheme also provides support for research in the history of science or to assist with publication of scholarly works in the history of science (subject category I), and we welcome any research proposal or publication in the area of Royal Society history.
A parallel round is available for current Royal Society University Research Fellows and Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellows who are beginning the second year of their fellowship in October.
Subjects covered: All disciplines in which the Society will elect researchers to the Fellowship of the Royal Society

Eligibility: Applicants must be resident in the UK.  They should have postdoctoral level or equivalent status at the time of the application and have a permanent or limited-tenure position in an eligible organisation. An applicant who is a postdoctorate paid by a grant for which someone else is the principal investigator is not eligible. Applicants must play a major part and take a leading role in the project and not make its fulfilment more than marginally dependent on the services of postgraduate/doctoral students.

Length of tenure: The grant is for a period of 12 months

Place of tenure: UK university or not-for-profit research organisation (except for Research Council Institutes).

Value:  For all subject categories (A to I), up to £15,000 (including VAT) is available for the purchase of specialised equipment, essential consumable materials and services.  Up to £5,000 (including VAT) is available for the publication of scholarly works in the history of science.


Opening date: 26 February 2010
Closing date: 30 April 2010

5. Mobility Grants schemes:

International Joint Projects

The Royal Society Joint Project programme is designed to enable international collaboration by providing a mobility grant for researchers and members of their research teams to cover travel, subsistence and research expenses. It also aims to provide seed money for research that will lead to further collaboration and greater funding in the future from larger funding bodies.
Subjects Covered:  All areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

Eligibility:  The Project Leaders must be from academia, of at least postdoctoral status or equivalent and hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible organisation which, if it is the latter, continues at least for the duration of the project. Collaborations should be based on a single project including two teams or individuals: one based in the UK and the other based outside the UK. A relationship between both parties should already be established prior to making an application and the collaboration should involve bilateral visits between the UK and the country with which the overseas collaborator is based.

Length of Tenure:  2 years

Value of Grant:  Up to £6000 a year for 2 years for travel and subsistence. Within the £6000 available each year, up to £1000 can be used for research expenses (excluding computer hardware).
Countries covered: Currently Joint Projects are available to those in European and Former Soviet Union countries, China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa and certain countries in Latin America. Please check appendix 2 of the scheme notes for eligible countries.

Cost-share arrangements: Depending on which country your collaboration is with proposals can be submitted either as a 'direct' application (to the Royal Society only) or as a 'parallel cost share' application. The latter entails the UK team leader submitting a proposal to the Royal Society AND the Overseas team leader simultaneously submitting a proposal to a partner organisation (usually an Academies of Science abroad) with whom the Royal Society has cost share agreement, in which case the travel and subsistence costs are shared between the Royal Society and the overseas Partner. Please note that 'direct' applications are still accepted even if a cost share partner is available.  Please check appendix 2 of the scheme notes for cost share countries/partners.

Website links:

Opening and Closing dates:
2010/R1 (including Taiwan cost share): opens 25 January and closes 25 March
2010/R2 (including France and India cost share): opens 31 May and closes 29 July
2010/R3 (including Ireland and India cost share): opens 28 September and closes 25 November

The 2010 Russia and China cost share deadlines are yet to be confirmed but it is anticipated that they will be sometime in September and October respectively.  Prospective applicants are advised to keep an eye on the website for the opening and closing dates for these rounds.
Please note that the deadlines for partner organisations may not coincide with Royal Society deadlines so it is advisable that your overseas collaborator checks with the relevant cost share partner in their country.

International Travel Grants 

The International Travel Grants scheme enables UK scientists to engage in collaborations with overseas scientists in order to explore opportunities for building lasting networks or  participate (excludes organising/selection committee and poster contributions) in overseas conferences, workshops and seminars which are of particular strategic importance in order to engage with scientists (available to UK scientists only).  The International Travel Grant Scheme is available for all countries outside of the UK.

Conference participation applications must have confirmation of their invitation or acceptance of oral paper presentation. Collaboration applications must have a letter of support from the host Head of Department. UK based scientist must hold a fixed or permanent contract at an eligible UK institution. Scientists must have completed their PhD or have extensive experience at an equivalent level. Only one application can be submitted per round.

Length of tenure:  Lasting up to 12 weeks (except in the case of UK applicants presenting at overseas conferences, workshops and seminars, in which case the maximum duration of award is 10 days). 

Value:  A maximum of £4000 is available for activities.

Website link:

Opening and Closing dates:

2010/R2: opens 30 March 2010 and closes 30 May.
2010/R3: opens 30 July and closes 30 September. 

The Royal Society celebrates its 350th anniversary in 2010. To mark this important event, the Society seeks to raise over £100 million in order to strengthen all aspects of its work.

To find out more about the 350th Anniversary Campaign and the projects it will support, or to make a donation, visit or contact the Development Office. Find out more about our anniversary programme at

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe immediately.

© Copyright The Royal Society
The Royal Society,
6-9 Carlton House Terrace,
London SW1Y 5AG

t: 020 7451 2500

Registered Charity No 207043

See further with the Royal Society in 2010 – celebrate 350 years of excellence in science

Professor Michael Fourman MSc DPhil FBCS CITP
Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Street
EH8 9AB 
For diary appointments contact :
+44 131 650 2690

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Collaboration Fund - Call for Expressions of Interest

Collaboration Fund - Call for Expressions of Interest

The Collaboration Fund offers support to researchers wishing to work with a commercialising partner in taking forward business opportunities generated from EPSRC funded research. Support will combine grant funding with the opportunity of project mentoring and access to business planning advice.

This pilot initiative is financed by the EPSRC and managed by Finance South East, to whom all enquiries and applications should be made. Full details of the call and application procedure (which is not via Je-S) can be found at the Finance South East website.

Closing date for Expressions of Interest: Thursday 01 April 2010

Further Information:

The Collaboration Fund Funding Guide

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Wellcome Trust VIP - Call for proposals 09/10

Wellcome Trust VIP Awards - call for proposals The Wellcome Trust offers this scheme with the aim of "helping universities in the recruitment, career progression and retention of key academic and research staff" (details can be found on the WT website) Following Round 1 there is around £60,000 available to Science & Engineering. Please note that, when dealing with point 4, proposals where a clear plan is set out are are more likely to be successful (writing that a member of staff will apply for a Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust at some point is not considered a clear plan). You should note that the Wellcome Trust mission is "supporting and promoting research to improve the health of humans and animals", and will fund only within this remit. Applications from each Head of School should be forwarded to me in the College Office not later than noon on Friday 26 February 2010. If Schools wish to nominate more than one candidate then a ranked list should be provided. Dr Gerald McLaren Research Strategy Officer College Office University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering The King's Buildings West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3JY Phone: 0131 650 5760, Fax: 0131 650 5738

Monday, 8 February 2010

SE Funding News | 5th Feb 2010 | New Leverhulme and International Opportunities | EU insights]

*Sneak Peaks into 2011 EU Funding Calls*

As mentioned in our newsletter on 15th January, we're starting to get indications of what might come up in the 2011 round of Framework Programme (the key source of European research funding) calls. All of the calls will be published in July 2010. Science in Society <> is the latest strategy paper from the European Commission. Earlier strategy papers are on our website <>.

*International Collaboration *

*COST Actions*

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) funds European networking activities including conferences, exchanges, publications and training schools. The scheme works on an open deadline basis.

*EUROCORES - Now Open for Applications* is a scheme run by the European Science Foundation. It supports collaborative research involving at least three European countries. UK-based researchers can participate in the call Molecular Science for a Conceptual Transition from Fossil to Solar Fuels the deadline for which (outlines only) is *26th March 2010.*

*Partnership Development Grants, Prime Minister's Initiative*

These are awards of up to £2,000 which can be used to develop new institution-level partnerships between the UK and the Middle East, Asia, Ghana, Nigeria or the United States. Activities can include joint research and teaching. The deadline is *31st March 2010*.

*Funding Opportunities*

*Major Research Fellowships, Leverhulme Trust*

These allow distinguished researchers to devote themselves to a 2-3 year project in any discipline save medicine. The fellowship funds a full-time junior replacement for the fellow. The deadline is *7th May 2010*.

*Philip Leverhulme Prizes, Leverhulme Trust*

A number of awards - £70,000 each - for outstanding scholars under the age of 36. The University has done well with these before. Nominations must be received by *17th May 2010.*

*ERI Events*

*ERI Learning Lunch CSE Postgraduate Funding*

This Learning Lunch is aimed at prospective PhD supervisors. It will provide a networking opportunity for those involved in postgraduate recruitment, supervision, administration and funding, and will cover:

* Funding streams for supervisors and students, current and future opportunities, sources of information and how to use funding inovatively * How to attract the best students and assist applicants and inquirers

Arrangements are:

* Date: 10th February 2010 * Time: 12:00-14:00 (including lunch at 12:30pm) * Location: Lecture theatre 2, Daniel Rutherford Building, KB * Booking: Using MyEd

*An Introduction to Research Funding Engineering and Physics*

Download a poster

This workshop is aimed at researchers who are about to embark on a postdoctoral research career. It provides and overview of funding options, practical guidance on preparing an application and an opportunity to hear from successful researchers.

* Date: 23rd February 2010 * Time: 10:00-14:00 * Venue: Lecture Theatre C, SAC Peter Wilson Building, KB * Booking: email

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Call for applications: 2010 L'Oreal-UNESCO Fellowships For Women In Science

Applications for the 2010 L'Oreal-UNESCO UK and Ireland For Women In Science fellowships are now open.

L'Oréal UK and Ireland, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and the Irish National Commission for UNESCO, have partnered together to provide a dedicated UK and Ireland For Women In Science Fellowship Programme for women scientists at postdoctoral level to enable and/or facilitate promising scientific research in the life or physical sciences.

Four Fellowships will be awarded in 2010 to outstanding female postdoctoral scientists to assist them with their research. The Fellowships, each worth £15,000 (equivalent € for candidates in Ireland), are tenable at any UK or Irish university or research institute to support a 12-month period of research.

The fellowship money can be spent in any number of innovative ways to enable women scientists to further their careers and facilitate world class research - such as buying equipment, paying for childcare or funding travel costs to an overseas conference.

Visit ; to apply

Closing date for applications is midnight (GMT) 7 April 2010

More information <>

Terms and conditions <>

Contact us <>

Media Fellowships for Scottish Researchers

Media Fellowships for Scottish Researchers

Want to know what it's like to be a science journalist? The British Science Association Media Fellowships 2010 let you experience first hand how science is reported by spending 3-8 weeks with a national press, broadcast or internet journalist on a summer placement, working with them to produce accurate, well informed news pieces about developments in science.

Come away better equipped to communicate your research to the public and your colleagues. Learn to work within the constraints of the media and develop writing skills that could make journal articles and funding applications easier and more concise.

You are eligible to apply for the scheme if you:

* are a scientist, clinician, social scientist or engineer * have a minimum of 2 years postgraduate experience in your field * are a resident of the UK * Work at any level in an academic or research institution, industry, civil service or any other similar organisation

Hosts have included: The Scotsman, Nature, BBC News and the Times. For details about the scheme, including an online application form, visit Application deadline: 2 March 2010

Monday, 1 February 2010

Important information for applicants to AHRC funding scheme

The Arts and Humanities Research Council [AHRC] supports world-class research that furthers our understanding of human culture and creativity. Important information for applicants to AHRC funding schemes

In 2010 the AHRC, along with the other Research Councils, will be transferring its grants processing activities to the new RCUK Shared Services Centre. This important change is being made in order to harmonise common processes across all Councils and to secure efficiency savings for the research budget which will be channelled into further investment in research. It will also allow for greater consistency across the Councils in the application procedure as well as the operation of peer review.

In addition, the AHRC office will be moving from Bristol to Swindon in June. Together, these changes will impact significantly on the AHRC's planned schedule of activities over the coming nine months or so. While the AHRC will do its utmost to minimise the disruption to applicants and others, normal timescales for assessing grant applications will have to be changed to enable these changes to take place as smoothly as possible and for normal business to resume after the new systems are in place.

In particular, AHRC applicants should be aware of the following changes:

*Research Grants and Fellowships Schemes* – We will not be accepting applications between 19 March 2010 – 31 May 2010. In addition, Fellowship applicants are strongly advised to submit their applications before the end of February as the outcomes of some applications submitted in March are unlikely to be announced until spring 2011. We are also rescheduling our panel meetings during 2010 which may mean that applicants will not receive outcomes when they would have been expecting them.

*Research Networking Scheme*

– We will not be accepting applications between 26 February and 31 May 2010.

*Knowledge Transfer Fellowships*

- The planned closing date in May will not occur. The scheme will re-open later in 2010 on an open deadline basis on a date to be confirmed.

*Knowledge Catalysts*

– We will not be accepting applications between 26 February 2010 and 31 August 2010. This will give time to consider the outcomes of the current review of the scheme due to be completed by end of March and implement any changes in the light of the review.

Applicants are advised to allow as much time as possible between submitting applications and the suggested start date for projects. Applicants should also bear in mind when submitting proposals that award announcements may be delayed by a number of months, and successful applicants may be required to change the start date of their projects to take this into account.

All schemes not mentioned above, including all postgraduate programmes, will continue as planned, and we will be processing all applications already submitted before the dates outlined above. It should also be noted that the overall AHRC budget will not be affected by these changes.

Professor Rick Rylance, Chief Executive of the AHRC, said: "The AHRC has a demanding year ahead with very considerable organisational upheaval. We hope that you will bear with us during this period. We will of course do everything we can to minimise disruption and to ensure everyone in the arts and humanities research community is kept fully up to date with progress in a timely way."

Further measures may need to be taken by the AHRC in the autumn of 2010, but these will be communicated in good time and through the normal channels.

For further information, please go to:

If you would like to discuss any issues you might have about these changes or their implications, please contact:

Research Funding News

EPSRC Regional Meetings 2010

The EPSRC is holding a series of regional meetings during February and March 2010. These are open to the entire engineering and physical sciences community. The aim is to share information about the EPSRC's strategies and encourage constructive discussion to help shape the EPSRC's plans for the future.

Lancaster - 19th February Bath - 26th February Loughborough - 5th March Heriot-Watt - 26th March

*Funding Opportunities*

*Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships*

The Leverhulme Trust's annual postdoctoral fellowship competition is now open for applications. Deadline is *11th March 2010*

*2010 Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme, EU

Themes include low carbon economy and the multilingual web. Deadline is *1st June 2010*

Workshops An Introduction to Research Funding

Download a poster for your noticeboard

This workshop is aimed at researchers approaching the end of their PhD or just starting out in their postdoctoral career. It provides an overview of funding options, practical guidance on preparing an application and an opportunity to hear from successful researchers.

Workshops are targeted to specific subjects. Dates for 2010 are:

23rd February: Engineering and Physics 22nd April: Informatics 25th May: Geosciences 12th October: Chemistry 25th November: Biology

The first courses are now taking bookings. Please contact transkills to reserve your place or to be put on a waiting list for later events.

Staff: College Open Forum - 4 February

Event: College Open Forum Time/Date: 1 pm on Thursday 4 February, 2010 Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Michael Swann Building You are invited to attend the next College Open Forum. The Head of College, Professor Nigel Brown and the Dean of Research Careers, Professor Wyn Williams, will talk about the College strategy and actions in developing research careers. All welcome. Gail Linnett PA to Vice-Principal and Head of College College of Science & Engineering Office Weir Building The King's Buildings