Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Research Funding approved for €5,000 for Cyber Security and Information Assurance

The European Confederation Institute of Internal Auditors (ECIIA) promotes corporate governance through academic research. In this context a new Research initiative was launched in November, to be funded for Euro 5,000 regarding Cyber Security and Information Assurance. This project, further described in the attachment, has gained the support and collaboration of the Global Cyber Security Foundation and the sponsorship of Poste Italiane SpA.

Key dates were established as follows: • Bids by 31st December 2010 • Selection of Researcher by 31st January 2011 • 5,000 euro funding February 2011 • Research Paper by 31st May 2011 • Formal Presentation and event June 2011

Please refer also to our web site: http://www.eciia.eu/university.

If you find the deadline for bidding excessively tight, we are considering extending the bidding process to January 2011 in order to encourage wide participation. We therefore kindly request you to communicate your interest in participating and any difficulties in respecting the bidding deadline. The bidding is made by following the guidelines provided.

Carolyn Dittmeier Vice President, ECIIA‬

ECIIA Academic Relations HeadKoningsstraat 109 -111 bus 5 BE - 1000 Brussels Belgium Telephone: +32 2 217 33 20 Fax: +32 2 217 33 20 URL: http://www.eciia.eu/ Email: academic.relations@eciia.eu

Monday, 6 December 2010

Workshop: Future Research Leaders in ICT

Call for participants: The EPSRC invites expressions of interest in a workshop to engage with potential future research leaders in ICT.

Closing Date: 07-01-2011


If you experience any problems, please contact the EPSRC Helpline: 01793 444100 or infoline@epsrc.ac.uk

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

EPSRC Collaboration Fund

There is an EPSRC Collaboration Fund call out.

This is a pilot funding initiative with aim of facilitating the exploitation of economic outcomes deriving from research that has previously benefited from EPSRC grant support. Grant support will only be provided to projects that involve a research organisation in collaboration with at least one commercialising entity. The focus of this collaboration should be the commercial exploitation of EPSRC supported research and the transfer of knowledge from academia to industry.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 03 December 2010.

What will it support

These activities might include, but are not limited to:

- Developing a prototype with the involvement of a commercialising partner;

- Undertaking trials and testing with a commercialising partner;

- Technical development that will offer a competitive edge or improve points of differentiation;

- Incorporation of the technology into an existing product, service or process;

- Market research which validates the commercial strategy and route to market;

- Undertaking an assessment of potentially competing technologies to validate unique selling points;

- Undertaking product demonstrations to potential customers or evaluation of the technology by potential end users.

The Fund will specifically not support:

- 'Blue sky' research;

- Applied research for companies;

- Associated intellectual property costs e.g. patent costs;

Awards will not exceed £100,000 (before fEC has been applied) Enquiries should be made to Finance South East: http://www.financesoutheast.com/ourfunds/index.aspx?id=1312

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Preparatory access through PRACE

Invitation for proposals: Preparatory access for researchers to test and develop their codes to ensure suitability for the PRACE Tier-0 systems.

Closing Date: No Closing Date


Monday, 15 November 2010

EU Funding Bulletin | Nov 2010 | Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

EU Funding Bulletin

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

ERI Research Support and Development

November 2010

Welcome to the latest issue of our occasional e-newsletter on European funding for information and communication technology (ICT) research. The main story this issue is the January 2011 deadline for September's new /Cooperation /ICT calls. Read down and click on the links to find out more.

Cooperation - recent ICT calls

At the end of September, the European Commission announced two new ICT/Cooperation /calls with January 2011 deadlines. These are in addition to the calls announced back in July that have deadlines over the new few weeks.

Cooperation /ICT calls - January 2011 deadlines http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2MywxNTczMjYwODU=

Cooperation/ ICT calls - pre-Christmas deadlines


If you are applying to any of these calls, please let us know http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2NSwxNTczMjYwODU

New ERC Advanced Grant call

The latest call for European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants was issued on 4th November. The deadline for physical science and engineeringapplications is 9th February 2011. The UK Research Office is running information sessions for prospective applicants.

ERC Advanced Grant call and information sessions


Visit our website


Research Support and Development


ERI's Research Support and Development team provides a comprehensive range of services to assist University of Edinburgh staff with their applications for research funding.

Events - Coming up http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2OSwxNTczMjYwODU=

See our events calendar for information about upcoming events related to EU research funding and policy.

Want more?

See our new blog and EU webpages for updates on EU and other research funding news.

Blog http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk3MCwxNTczMjYwODU=

EU homepage http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk3MSwxNTczMjYwODU=

Friday, 5 November 2010

Introducing the FET Young Explorers Scheme

Future and Emerging Technologies Open Scheme (FET-Open) Directorate General Information Society and Media, European Commission

FET-Open is pleased to announce a new funding initiative targeted at Europe's young scientists with high potential.

* FET Young Explorers* is a continuous scheme which is designed with the needs of young researchers and scientists in mind. It can provide some of Europe's most promising young scientists with the opportunity to take their ideas forward in the form of small STREP proposals, with possibility of funding in the order of EUR 1 million.

Successful projects must be led by a young researcher, and the leadership by young researchers of all work packages is also required. No more than six years should have elapsed between the award of a Ph.D. (or equivalent) for each such young researcher and the date of submission of the short proposal.

FET-Open has high ambitions for the scheme. It is looking for ideas from Europe's best young scientists, first ever ideas which can change the face of ICT and computing forever.

In keeping with the FET-Open spirit, the FET Young Explorers scheme is continuously open, and applies a two-step submission scheme and FET-Open specific eligibility and evaluation criteria.

More information on FET Young Explorers is available on the FET-Open web site http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/fet-open/ye_en.html or by contacting prabhat.agarwal@ec.europa.eu

Or why not join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brussels/FET-Open/103501099699232?

Thursday, 4 November 2010

The RSE Enterprise Fellowship

The Royal Society of Edinburgh Enterprise Fellowships are an excellent vehicle to fund commercial development of your research idea. Historically, Informatics has done very well in competition for these awards.

More info and forms are here: http://www.royalsoced.org.uk/research_fellowships/scot_ent.htm

This is a reminder of the upcoming application deadline for the current round. All applications and supporting material must be delivered to the Royal Society by Friday November 12.

You must work with your Business Development Executive to complete this application as it requires input from the University.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Invention for Innovation Programme (i4i) - NHS

Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme

The new i4i Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme launches on 25 October 2010. Condensed to two funding streams to simplify the application process, i4i has a vision to transform health and healthcare through applied Research and Development and the provision of business advice to medical technology professionals.

For more information follow this link:


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Funding opportunities with the NIHR SDO programme

The NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) programme improves health outcomes for people by commissioning research evidence that improves practice in relation to the organisation and delivery of healthcare. It also builds research capability and capacity to carry out research amongst those who manage, organise and deliver services and to improve their understanding of the research literature and how to use research evidence.


The NIHR SDO programme is advertising a call for research into promising local innovations in healthcare delivery. Innovations to be researched are likely to have all or most of the following characteristics: · Promising innovations in healthcare delivery which have a substantial potential benefit and could be applied more widely in the NHS. · Being piloted, tested or implemented in a number of healthcare organisations. · Involving the application of ideas or technologies introduced or transferred from other countries, sectors or settings. · Focused on service delivery and management issues in healthcare organisations. · And have not already been well explored and tested through research.

This call requires partnership between healthcare organisations and health service researchers with expertise in evaluation. For instance, a project evaluating a new form of diabetes care across a whole health economy might have input from an academic health services team, a lead clinician and the local diabetes network.

Applicants are asked to submit outline proposals for the above call by 5pm on Thursday 16 December. http://www.sdo.nihr.ac.uk/10_1013.html?utm_source=call_alert_OCT&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10_1013_call

Monday, 18 October 2010

Australian Research Funding Initiatives - new opportunities for collaboration

Opening up of Australian research funding initiatives gives EU researchers new opportunities for collaboration

Researchers in the EU now have increased opportunities to participate in Australian research programmes thanks to the recent opening up of major Australian-funded research funding initiatives.

Schemes include the Australian Research Council's Competitive Grants Programme and The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's Flagship Fund.

A new project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is being launched in November to raise awareness of opportunities for European-Australian research collaboration throughout the European research community.

AUS-ACCESS4EU is one of a number of ACCESS4EU projects which aim to increase the European research community's awareness of opportunities to participate in research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) programmes in industrialised countries outside Europe.

The project will be launched at an Information Day in London on 8 November and a further seven events are planned in cities throughout Europe. Speakers from the project's partner organisations will be joined by leading members of the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). In addition European researchers who have participated in research programmes in Australia will give a personal perspective on their experience.

The Information Day will be of particular interest to research managers and administrators in universities and other institutions.

For further information about AUS-ACCESS4EU and the Information Day please go to http://www.access4.eu/australia/618.php

To reserve a place at the Information Day please email us at aus-access4.eu@britishcouncil.org mailto:aus-access4.eu@britishcouncil.org to request a registration form.

The organisations involved in the Information Days are:

Australian National University, ANU www.anu.edu.au http://www.anu.edu.au/ ANU was established by the Chifley government in 1946 to build Australia's intellectual infrastructure. It is driven by its founding mission to advance the cause of learning and research in Australia and take its place amongst the great universities of the world.

Australian Research Council, ARC www.arc.gov.au http://www.arc.gov.au/ The ARC is a statutory authority within the Australian Government's Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (IISR) portfolio. Its mission is to deliver policy and programmes that advance Australian research and innovation globally and benefit the community.

British Council www.britishcouncil.org http://www.britishcouncil.org/ The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Its purpose is to build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide. It seeks to achieve its aims by working in education, science, governance, English and the arts. In 2008/09, its programmes reached a total audience of 221 million people worldwide

Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO www.csiro.au http://www.csiro.au/ The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is Australia's national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world.

Forum for European-Australian Science & Technology cooperation, FEAST www.feast.org http://www.feast.org/ The Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology Cooperation (commonly known as "FEAST") is an organisation established by the Australian Government and the European Union to highlight, promote, and facilitate research collaboration between their respective communities.

International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Centre, DLR www.dlr.de/en http://www.dlr.de/en The International Bureau has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to strengthen the international ties of German universities, research institutes and enterprises with the ultimate goal of building competencies and fostering competitive advantages for industry and the research community in Germany in the areas of research and innovation. In doing so, the International Bureau is making an important contribution to cultivating an international dimension within the research programmes of the BMBF.

National Health & Medical Research Council, NHMRC www.nhmrc.gov.au http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/ The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak body for supporting health and medical research; for developing health advice for the Australian community, health professionals and governments; and for providing advice on ethical behaviour in health care and in the conduct of health and medical research.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Opportunity for Post-Graduate Research Fellowships in Canada

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission have an exciting opportunity for postdoctoral researchers within the humanities, the social sciences, the natural sciences and engineering. The Canadian Government has invited the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK to nominate up to fifteen candidates for one year 'Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships' in Canada in 2011 and they are seeking applications from suitably qualified candidates from which to select their nominees.

Note that the Commission can only accept applications from UK citizens and candidates should have been awarded their PhD within the last three years (or to have completed the PhD requirements before taking up the award in September 2011).

Applications must be made using the online application system provided by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) by the 15 November 2010, and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK by the 25 November 2010. The Commission will then make their own selections and will nominate candidates to CBIE for their consideration in January 2011.

Full information about the Fellowships, including a link to the application form, can be found on their Website at: http://www.cscuk.org.uk/apply/outward_awards.asp http://www.cscuk.org.uk/apply/outward_awards.asp and any queries can be addressed to: csfpout@acu.ac.uk mailto: Acsfpout@acu.ac.uk

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

JISC calls eContent programme

JISC invites institutions to submit funding proposals for projects to be funded as part of its e-content programme for 2011. Funding of up to £840,000 is available within two strands:

Strand A - Enriching via Collaboration Using collaboration to cluster, repackage and re-present existing digital content. Total funding available £400,000. Up to 5 projects will be funded. Maximum funding for any one project is £100,000

Strand B - Developing Community Content To develop new content and communities for educational and social purposes. Total funding available £440,000. Up to 6 projects will be funded. Maximum funding for any one project is £100,000.

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 12:00 noon UK time on Friday 10 December 2010. Projects should start by 1 March 2011 and may run for up to 7 months. All projects must be complete by 30 September 2011.

JISC is hosting an event to give delegates more information about the call, and also give the opportunity for networking to take place. More information on the event, which takes place in London on 28 October 2010, is available from http://bit.ly/boeSzm.

Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via SFC, DCELLS Wales and DEL Northern Ireland. FE institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate how the work supports the HE in FE agenda.

Further information can be found at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/09/grant1110.aspx

Internal selection process for next JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants call

As you may be aware, the next deadline for JISC's Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/02/ltig5.aspx)

is forecast to be in December 2010 (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/futurecalls/grant.aspx). The University will only be permitted to lead on *one* proposal that is submitted to this December deadline. To select this proposal, the University will follow the general process detailed on the attached document. The key information for this round of JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants is as follows:

- Deadline for receipt of outline applications for internal selection: Monday 18th October 2010, 5pm

- Deadline for return of result of internal selection process: Wednesday 20th October 2010, 5pm

- JISC deadline for receipt of proposals: December 2010 (to be announced)

If you plan to submit an outline proposal to the internal selection process, please ensure that it takes the following format:

- Is approximately one (1) A4 page in length.

- Gives a summary of the proposed objectives, timescale and required resources.

- Exemplifies how the proposed work addresses the key criteria of the JISC call.

- Demonstrates how the proposal will excite the JISC reviewers.

Please submit your outline to *sarah.anderson@ed.ac.uk mailto:sarah.anderson@ed.ac.uk by the deadline of 5pm on Monday 18th October. The internal selection process will be conducted by John Lee and Hamish Macleod, with the result being approved by Jeff Haywood.

JISC RIM Call for Proposals (deadline noon on 15th Nov 2010)

The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) invites institutions to submit funding proposals for projects in a number of areas to improve the infrastructure for education and research. The call is available on the JISC website at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/10/grant1510.aspx.

The closing date for proposals is 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 15 November 2010. Funding is available for projects starting from February 2011, for up to 12 months.

A briefing paper has been produced to accompany this call. The briefing paper is also available on the JISC website at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/funding/2010/10/1510briefingpaper.pdf.

Bidders are strongly advised to read the relevant areas of the briefing paper alongside the call document.

A community briefing event is being held on Monday 11 October 2010, from 10.00am -16.30pm at London House [http://www.londonhouse.org.uk/], Goodenough College, London. Potential bidders will be given information about the background to the call, its objectives and the bidding process. There will be opportunities to ask questions of JISC executive staff, and for one-to-one discussions with JISC programme managers about specific areas of the call. Members of the community are invited to register for the meeting at https://www.eventsforce.net/jisc/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=17809&eventID=70.

The total number of participants at the briefing event is restricted so institutions should register as soon as possible. Eligibility Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via SFC, DCELLS Wales and DEL Northern Ireland. FE institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate how the work supports the HE in FE agenda.

UoE Moray Endowment small grants competition - deadline 12/11/10

Please see below some information on the UoE Moray Endowment small grants competition. The submission deadline for applications is 12/11/10.

The Fund is intended to support original research in any discipline. Funds are awarded via an annual competition. No awards are made outwith the competition period. The Fund will support: - Pump-priming of research projects to attract outside support - Topping-up funds for research projects, for which support has been exhausted - Typically, requests for equipment in the broadest sense of the word - Support towards travelling expenses in cases where this is vital to the successful completion of a project

Further information and application form: http://www.eri.ed.ac.uk/research-support-and-development/research-development/funding-opportunities/Moray.html

Monday, 13 September 2010

EPSRC Novel Technologies for Cross-disciplinary Research - Call for Proposals

Please see below an link to an EPSRC call for novel technologies to support the needs of cross-disciplinary science and engineering: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/noveltech/Pages/default1.aspx Up to £6 million of funding is available, subject to the quality of proposals received, with an expectation that between 3 and 5 proposals will be funded. Proposals funded through this call are expected to have a duration of up to 5 years. At least 50% of the novel technology research proposed needs to be in the remit of EPSRC to be eligible for this call. EPSRC reserves the right to reject proposals outside its remit without recourse to peer review. The closing date for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 24 November 2010.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

[Fwd: Re: Fwd: EPSRC Novel Technologies for Cross-disciplinary Research - Call for Proposals]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: EPSRC Novel Technologies for Cross-disciplinary
Research - Call for Proposals
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 09:15:26 +0100
From: Julie Young <young@inf.ed.ac.uk>
To: David Robertson <dr@inf.ed.ac.uk>, Frederick Max-Lino

Hi Dave

Max can do this in Sofi's absence.

Can you put this one up for Dave please Max?


David Robertson wrote:
> Could someone add this to the Informatics Research blog. I normally
> mail Sofi but she's away I believe - I've a few more to send so you may
> want to point me at someone else for them.
> Dave
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *MCLAREN Gerald <Gerald.McLaren@ed.ac.uk
>> <mailto:Gerald.McLaren@ed.ac.uk>>
>> *Date: *6 September 2010 14:47:41 GMT+01:00
>> *To: *ALLSHIRE Robin <Robin.Allshire@ed.ac.uk
>> <mailto:Robin.Allshire@ed.ac.uk>>, ARNOLD Polly <Polly.Arnold@ed.ac.uk
>> <mailto:Polly.Arnold@ed.ac.uk>>, WOODHOUSE Iain
>> <i.h.woodhouse@ed.ac.uk <mailto:i.h.woodhouse@ed.ac.uk>>, BRANDANI
>> Stefano <S.Brandani@ed.ac.uk <mailto:S.Brandani@ed.ac.uk>>, ROBERTSON
>> David <D.Robertson@ed.ac.uk <mailto:D.Robertson@ed.ac.uk>>, VANNESTE
>> Jacques <J.Vanneste@ed.ac.uk <mailto:J.Vanneste@ed.ac.uk>>, POON
>> Wilson <W.Poon@ed.ac.uk <mailto:W.Poon@ed.ac.uk>>
>> *Cc: *SWAIN Michelle <m.swain@ed.ac.uk <mailto:m.swain@ed.ac.uk>>,
>> YARDLEY Richard <ryardle1@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
>> <mailto:ryardle1@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>>
>> *Subject: **EPSRC Novel Technologies for Cross-disciplinary Research -
>> Call for Proposals *
>> Dear colleague
>> RE: EPSRC Novel Technologies for Cross-disciplinary Research - Call
>> for Proposals
>> To: Directors of Research
>> Please see below an link to an EPSRC call for novel technologies to
>> support the needs of cross-disciplinary science and engineering:
>> http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/noveltech/Pages/default1.aspx
>> I've also attached information on the call to this e-mail.
>> Up to £6 million of funding is available, subject to the quality of
>> proposals received, with an expectation that between 3 and 5 proposals
>> will be funded. Proposals funded through this call are expected to
>> have a duration of up to 5 years.
>> At least 50% of the novel technology research proposed needs to be in
>> the remit of EPSRC to be eligible for this call. EPSRC reserves the
>> right to reject proposals outside its remit without recourse to peer
>> review.
>> The closing date for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 24 November 2010.
>> I would be grateful if you could forward this to colleagues in your
>> School who might be interested.
>> Regards, Gerry.
>> ________________________________________
>> Dr Gerald McLaren
>> Research and Planning Officer
>> College Office
>> College of Science & Engineering,
>> University of Edinburgh
>> Weir Building,
>> The King's Buildings,
>> Edinburgh. EH9 3JY
>> Phone: 0131 650 5760; Fax: 0131 650 5738
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> =
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Julie Young
Deputy School Administrator
Informatics Research Organisation
School of Informatics
Room 4.34
Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Street

Phone: 0131 650 4502
Fax: 0131 650 6899
Hours of work: Mon-Fri 9.15am-2.15pm

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

F Max-Lino
Portfolio Manager HCRC/ICCS
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
Informatics Forum - Rm 3.31
10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AB
Phone: +44 (0) 131 650 4442

Please note my new hours are:
Mon & Thur: 08.00-14.00
Tues & Wed: 09.30-17.30
Fri : 08.30-17.00

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

EPSRC: Adaptation and Resilience of the UK Energy System to Climate Change

EPSRC have launched a call for proposals in the Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARCC) strand of the RCUK LWEC programme to fill a gap in it's coverage, specifically the "adaptation and resilience of the UK Energy Sector and its infrastructure in the context of climate change".

You can find information about the call at the link below: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/arcc/Pages/default.aspx

There is at total of £3M available to fund projects.

The closing time/date is 4pm on Wednesday 10 November 2010.

Please note that potential applicants are requested to contact UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) before the end of October 2010 to confirm that the proposed work is within the remit of the call and that the proposed project team (researchers and stakeholders) can deliver the work proposed.

Monday, 9 August 2010

LMS Scheme 7 Grants

The London Mathematical Society "Scheme 7" grant programme provides small financial grants (max 500 pounds) to help support a visit for collaborative research at the interface of Mathematics and Computer Science. This is a great opportunity to cover the costs of a brief visit with a (named) Computer Scientist or Mathematician - either travelling to see them at another institution within the U.K. or abroad, or having them come to you. The scheme is overseen by the Computer Science Committee of the LMS, which exists to promote the development of links between mathematics and computer science.

The application and reporting processes are deliberately very lightweight. See the LMS website for details. The next deadline for applications is 15 September 2010.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Royal Academy of Engineering ERA Foundation Entrepreneurs Award 2011

The Royal Academy of Engineering, in partnership with the ERA Foundation, awards a major prize each year to young entrepreneurial engineering researchers working in UK universities.

The prize is intended to encourage and reward academic staff and researchers (registered postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows) who are at an early stage in their career. The scheme provides the winner with a personal cash prize of £10,000, a further £30,000 award to be invested in the development of his or her proposal, with a mentor, to assist and the opportunity to access additional development capital. Prize winners and their home institutions receive significant publicity for this award, endorsed by The Royal Academy of Engineering. In addition to the first prize, two further prizes of £2,000 each will be awarded to the runners-up.

The competition is relevant to a wide range of disciplines that involve electro-technologies. This might include, but need not be restricted to, electrical and electronic engineering, aspects of bio-medical engineering, optics and optical engineering, instrumentation IT (software and hardware) and materials related to electro-technology.

Please note that submissions must be endorsed by a senior member of the applicant's university. We would like as many entrepreneurial researchers as possible to apply. For further information please visit our website at www.raeng.org.uk/era http://www.raeng.org.uk/era. Applications must be received by *Monday 11 October 2010 *at the latest. There is no limit to the number of applications any university or institution may submit. If you have any questions please contact Sylvia Hampartumian at the Academy on 020 7766 0648 or by email at awards@raeng.org.uk mailto:awards@raeng.org.uk.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

EPSRC Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme

The EPSRC Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces Programme (C-DIP) wishes to support cross-disciplinary proposals at the engineering and physical sciences and economic and social sciences interfaces, with the majority of outputs looking to strengthen and feed back into the engineering and physical sciences. EPSRC invites applications from integrated cross-disciplinary groups to undertake research at these interfaces and promote cross-disciplinary culture and exchange across the respective disciplines.

Up to £6 million has been earmarked for this targeted activity and, subject to the quality of the submissions received, it is anticipated that we will fund up to four proposals. Grants funded under this call will provide funding to support a suite of related research and people based activities focusing on one major theme

Deadline for proposals 10th September.

URL: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/cdip/Pages/default1.aspx

Visualising Biological Data

AHRC/BBSRC joint workshop on the challenges of visualising biological data

*AHRC and BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) are holding a multi-disciplinary workshop to bring experts together to explore some of the challenges and possible solutions to the visualisation of biological data. The event aims to provide an opportunity for researchers across biological, computational, information and creative disciplines to explore novel ways of obtaining maximum benefit from their research, whether this is by exploiting biological data or by providing new avenues for the use of IT and creative tools.

In order to achieve a balance of participation in the event of over-subscription - applications to attend need to be submitted by *6th August*. Further information (including the application form) are available on the BBSRC website. http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/media/events/101116-visualising-biological-data.aspx_ You have been sent this email as you are on the RCUK Digital Economy mailing list. The list is used to inform the community about upcoming events and opportunities as well as news items that will be of interest to the Digital Economy community. If you wish to unsubscribe, please reply to this email.

Monday, 14 June 2010

EPSRC Email Alert

EPSRC's latest calls for proposals.

Healthcare Partnerships - Town Meeting

Expression of interest: EPSRC is holding a Healthcare Partnerships' Town Meeting on 22 July 2010 in London, to share information about the forthcoming Healthcare Partnerships' call and provide an opportunity to network. Closing Date: 07-07-2010


Collaboration Fund

Expressions of interest: Call for the Collaboration Fund offering support to researchers wishing to work with a commercialising partner in taking forward business opportunities generated from EPSRC funded research. Closing Date: 30-07-2010


Career Acceleration Fellowships 2011

Invitation for outlines: EPSRC offers Career Acceleration Fellowships annually to provide up to five years funding to outstanding researchers at an early stage of their career. Closing Date: 11-08-2010


Leadership Fellowships 2011

Invitation for outlines: support for talented researchers with the most potential to develop into international research leaders who can set and drive new research agendas, by the end of the award. Closing Date: 11-08-2010


If you experience any problems, please contact the EPSRC Helpline: 01793 444100 or infoline@epsrc.ac.uk

Funding opportunity

Attached is the advertisement for the call for expression of interest, and the information is also available on the website (http://www.rin.ac.uk/our-work/using-and-accessing-information-resources/physical-sciences-case-studies-use-and-discovery).

Invitation to a FREE JISC-funded event: Management & Adminstration for External Engagement

You and your colleagues are invited to attend a FREE workshop, exploring how external engagement is influencing the current and future role of the management and administrative functions of UK universities and colleges.

30th June: Management and Administration for External Engagement, British Library, London

Full description and booking: http://bit.ly/bl-jun10-bceadm-r1

This workshop is aimed at anyone with role working in a management or administrative role at any level (there is no requirement to be currently performing a specialist "engagement"-type role).


The workshop brings together staff to discuss some of the key issues emerging from engagement with the community and businesses outside of their institutions. You can find out more about what this might mean for you and how this workshop might help, here: http://bceawareness.jiscinvolve.org/what-is-bce/

Attendees will get a chance to share their experiences as well as an opportunity to find out about the practical support available to help identify, understand and further develop their own external engagement strategies and actions.

The range of engagement activity types and descriptions can also make it difficult to relate them to wider initiatives which could be providing key support and funding. This workshop will help people to make those connections and more importantly, better identify support that is already taking place - but is perhaps not currently recognised.

The workshop is being delivered by JISC Netskills, through the "BCE - Awareness and Education for the Wider JISC Community" project which is specifically focused on the issues for key enabling and support services, within UK HE and FE institutions.

Find out more about the project at: http://bit.ly/jisc-bce-aware

The project is itself, part of the JISC-funded "Business and Community Engagement (BCE) programme", which aims to provide practical help for institutions to develop their engagement strategies, as well as the systems to support them.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

LMS Scheme 7 Grants

The London Mathematical Society "Scheme 7" grant programme is intended to provide small financial grants (max 500 pounds) to help support a visit for collaborative research at the interface of Mathematics and Computer Science. This is a great opportunity to cover the costs of a brief visit with a (named) Computer Scientist or Mathematician - either by travelling to see them at another institution within the U.K. or abroad, or by having them come to you. The scheme is overseen by the Computer Science Committee of the LMS, which exists to promote the development of links between mathematics and computer science.

The application and reporting processes are deliberately lightweight. See the LMS website for details. Currently we accept applications and evaluate applications at any time but you may want to get your application in before August. From next financial year we will be moving to a more deadline driven approach, which I will announce in due course.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Mathematics Underpinning Digital Economy and Energy

Mathematics Underpinning Digital Economy and Energy - EPSRC call http://bit.ly/dn5In0 Closing 4 July

The EPSRC Mathematical Sciences programme invites proposals for internationally leading research in the mathematical sciences that underpins the strategic priorities of the Digital Economy and Energy mission programmes. 

The principal aim of this call is to stimulate the exploration, development or use of new mathematical techniques to address research challenges within the scope of the Energy and Digital Economy mission programmes whilst strengthening connectivity between the mathematical sciences, other disciplines and application areas. 

Up to £5 million has been earmarked for this targeted activity; it is anticipated that between 7 and 12 proposals will be funded. 

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

EPSRC Postdoctoral research fellowships call 2010

Dear colleagues,

Please note that all applications will be discussed at College level with Steve McLaughlin, before going forward for submission. Dear colleague EPSRC Postdoctoral research fellowships call 2010 Please see below a link to information on the EPSRC Postdoctoral research fellowships call 2010.

http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/Pages/fellowships.aspx EPSRC is offering Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in: Theoretical physics [up to 5]; Mathematical sciences [up to 10]; Cross-disciplinary interfaces [up to 10]. Please note that there are some specific eligibility criteria associated with this call [these are listed in the call document]. There are also some specific criteria that should be discussed with the candidate's prospective Head of School [these are listed in the call document]. The deadline for applications [via JeS] to EPSRC is 4pm on Thursday 12 August 2010.

Goedel fellowship- Kurt Goedel Research Prize Fellowships Announcement

KURT GOEDEL RESEARCH PRIZE FELLOWSHIPS The Kurt Goedel Society is proud to announce the commencement of the second round of the Kurt Goedel Research Prize Fellowships Program. The research fellowship prize program is sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation and will offer: * two Ph.D. (pre-doctoral) fellowships of EUR 100,000 * two post-doctoral fellowships of EUR 100,000 and * one unrestricted fellowship of EUR 100,000 One International Board of Jurors will be in charge of evaluating the applications and determining up to twenty finalists whose papers will be published in a special issue of the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, and another international Board of Jurors will be in charge of determining the winners. Both Boards will be chaired by Prof. Harvey Friedman, Ohio State University (USA). Board of Jurors for Determining the Finalists * Jeremy AVIGAD, Carnegie Mellon University, (USA) * Lenore BLUM, Carnegie Mellon University, (USA) * Harvey FRIEDMAN, Ohio State University (USA) CHAIR * John HARRISON, Intel Corporation, (USA) * Kenneth KUNEN, University of Wisconsin, (USA) * Angus MACINTYRE, Queen Mary, University of London and Royal Society, (UK) * Hiroakira ONO, JAIST Research Center for Integrated Science, (JAPAN) * Pavel PUDLAK, Czech Academy of Sciences, (Czech Republic) * Michael RATHJEN, University of Leeds, (UK) * Frank STEPHAN, National University of Singapore, (SINGAPORE) * William TAIT, University of Chicago, (USA) * Simon THOMAS, Rutgers University, (USA) * Albert VISSER, University of Utrecht (NL) * Andreas WEIERMANN, Ghent University, (BELGIUM) * Boris ZILBER, University of Oxford, (UK) Board of Jurors for Determining the Winners * Lev BEKLEMISHEV, Russian Academy of Sciences (RUS) * Harvey FRIEDMAN, Ohio State University (USA) CHAIR * Dov M. GABBAY, King's College London (UK) * Warren D. GOLDFARB, Harvard University (USA) * Howard Jerome KEISLER, University of Wisconsin (USA) Goal and Criteria of Merit The purpose of these fellowships is to support original research in, and areas surrounding, the foundations of mathematics. (See Scope below for more details.) These fellowships are intended to carry forward the legacy of Kurt Gödel, whose works exemplify deep insights and breakthrough discoveries in mathematical logic, with profound impact on the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. In pursuit of similar insights and discoveries, we adopt the following criteria of merit for evaluating Fellowship applications: 1. Intellectual merit, scientific rigor and originality of the submitted paper and work plan. The paper and research plans should combine visionary thinking with academic and scientific excellence.. 2. Potential for significant contribution to basic fundamental issues of wide interest, and the likelihood for opening new, seminal lines of inquiry that bear on such issues. 3. Impact of the Fellowship on the project and likelihood that the Fellowship will make the proposed new lines of research possible. 4. The expectation that the proposed research will be successful. 5. Qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on the basis of all available information including CV, research paper, research plans, research accomplishments, and letters of recommendation (recommendation letters are not required for senior applications). Winners' Model Projects: http://fellowship.logic.at/2010/files/Bovykin_Project.pdf http://fellowship.logic.at/2010/files/Koellner_Project.pdf Model Questions http://fellowship.logic.at/index.php?questions Scope Original fellowship proposals in the areas of * set theory * recursion theory * proof theory/intuitionism * model theory * computer assisted reasoning * philosophy of mathematics All fellowship proposals, regardless of subject area, will be judged according to * the relevance and resemblance of the research (finished and proposed) to the great insights and originality of Kurt Gödel * its general interest and clarity of motivation * its rigorous scientific quality and depth. Submission Instructions The three categories of fellowships are specified as follows: *Ph.D.(pre-doctoral): being in the stage before finishing the thesis (or equivalent achievements) *Post-doctoral: being in the stage within 10 years after finishing the thesis (or equivalent achievements) *Unrestricted: also open to senior applicants The submission must consist of: - one document A in PDF format containing . the CV . the project description . the recommendation letters - one document B in PDF format containing the article - one text abstract relating to B Maximum allowed length of the abstract is 500 words. Document A containing the CV, the project description, and the recommendation letters must be prepared in the following way: - minimum font size: 10pt - paper size: A4 - maximum length of the CV: 3 pages The CV must contain the list of all/most important publications. The CV must clearly state to which category the application belongs. - maximum length of project description: 4 pages Project description should clearly state where and at which institution the applicant intends to carry out the project. - minimum 2(two)/maximum 3 (three) 1-page recommendation letters,in case of applications belonging to the categories Ph.D.(pre-doctoral) and post-doctoral fellowships. (The recommendation letters should be scanned and included into the PDF document) The submission must be in English. The Board and the Program Chair reserve the right: *to consider only submissions with reasonable format *to reassign a submission to another category as applied for. The applicant will be informed about the reasons for such a decision. The submission software will be available online by the end of June 2010. Timeline November 15, 2010. Submissions deadline February 28, 2011. Jury decision on the papers for publication (at most 20) March 1, 2011. Final versions due March 6, 2011. Jury decision on winners due April 28-30, 2011. Conference and the Award Ceremony June-October, 2011. Commencement of the Fellowships Web:http://fellowship.logic.at/ E-mail contact: goedel-fellowship@logic.at

Monday, 10 May 2010

Call for applications - Distinguished Visiting Fellowships

Deadline for the next round of applications is 31 May 2010. Brochure and poster can be downloaded from: http://www.raeng.org.uk/research/researcher/dvfs/scheme.htm Further information and an application form are also available to download at http://www.raeng.org.uk/research/researcher/dvfs/

Thursday, 22 April 2010

EU Week! 3rd-7th May 2010

*EU Week* - 3rd-7th May 2010, University of Edinburgh

ERI Research Support and Development


*EU Week will run from the *3rd to the 7th May 2010. *All University of Edinburgh researchers are warmly invited to attend the events on offer. *

While UK research funders are tightening their belts, the European Commission continues to have strong streams of funding available. To help the University of Edinburgh make the most of the opportunities on offer, staff at Edinburgh Research and Innovation and the University's Dean International for Europe, Professor Andrew Scott, will be hosting EU Week in early May.

EU Week events will allow researchers to learn more about funding opportunities from the key UK representatives for a number of the European Commission's funding schemes. Whether you're experienced with EU funding or you're wondering where to start, there will be something of interest to you.

*Programme of Events*

*Monday 3rd May 2010* - 10:00-11:30 - Scotland Europa http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyMywxMzM1MDQwNzk=

*Tuesday 4th May 2010* - 10:00-11:30 - International Cooperation http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyNCwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

*Wednesday 5th May 2010* - 10:00-13:00 - UK Research Office (UKRO) http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyNSwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

14:00-15:30 - Energy National Contact Point http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyNiwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

*Thursday 6th May 2010 * - 10:00-12:00 - Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities National Contact Point http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyNywxMzM1MDQwNzk=

14:00-16:00 - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies National Contact Point http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyOCwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

14:30-16:30 - Science in Society National Contact Point http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEyOSwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

*Friday 7th May 2010* - 09:30-11:30 - Health National Contact Point http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEzMCwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

12:00-16:00 - European Commission: Marie Curie http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEzMSwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

*ERI Research Support and Development* College of Science and Engineering Follow us on twitter http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI5OTEzOCwxMzM1MDQwNzk=

Friday, 2 April 2010

EU Week at the University of Edinburgh

Please see below links to information about 'EU week' that has been arranged for 3rd-7th May 2010.

The purpose of the week is to highlight EU funding streams and opportunities that are available.

The general information page: http://www.eri.ed.ac.uk/events/EUWeek2010/

The Programme of events: http://www.eri.ed.ac.uk/events/EUWeek2010/programme.html ERI have arranged the event and staff can make bookings for each of the sessions through MyEd. Just follow the links from the events pages.

Call for Applications - UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme

I would like to remind you of the British Council's UK-US New Partnership fund, 'a $500,000 program to develop new strategic links between higher education institutions'. In a nutshell, up to £20,000 are available for student/postdoc/faculty exchange visits, to develop research collaborations and joint degrees. For more information, please see http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-education-partnerships_ http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-education-partnerships

Finally, the RCUK Office in Washington DC provides a summary of research council US-UK funding opportunities on their website, which is updated regularly. Please see http://www.usa.rcuk.ac.uk/default.htm http://www.usa.rcuk.ac.uk/cmsweb/downloads/rcuk/international/opportunities.pdf_

UK - USA Partners in Science *Call for Applications - UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme* The UK's Science & Innovation (S&I) Network in the US is proud to announce the second round of our UK-US Collaboration Development Award (CDA) Programme. These competitive awards have been created to enable our contacts and partners to further develop relationships that have formed as a result of our various activities (workshops, conferences, visits, etc). The CDAs are small travel grants covering transportation, accommodation and subsistence (no more than £2000) to allow UK and US scientists, engineers, academic leaders and innovation experts to travel in either direction to develop their partnerships. Ideal projects will be focused on delivering strong collaborative results (i.e. joint publications, joint funding applications, student / postdoc exchanges, etc.) in the next 6-12 months.

In this second round we've been able to stretch the timeline to allow for greater flexibility. *Applications are due on 9 May*, and successful applicants will be notified on or before 4 June. *All travel funded by these awards should be completed by 1 October*.

Thales Scottish Technology Prize Launch - 28th April 2010

Dear colleague - please see below information about the Thales Scottish Technology Prize which is focussed in the area of product engineering. I would appreciate it if you could forward this to colleagues who might be interested in the competition. Key dates include: 28th April 2010: Launch Event 14th July: Entry Deadline 13th October: Awards Event Thales UK is pleased to announce the launch of the Thales Scottish Technology Prize for Product Engineering 2010. The theme of 'Product Engineering' seeks to discover new technology to enable new types of products or to develop existing ones. Researchers and university staff who have an interest in product engineering are invited to submit details of projects that will benefit your university and our company.

The financial awards are substantial and could help to further your research activities! First Place £20,000 (Institution), £2,500 personal prize Second Place £2,000 personal prize Third Place £1,000 personal prize Finalist Prizes £500 personal prize In addition to the 2010 Thales Scottish technology prize, we are pleased to announce a supplementary prize for undergraduates. By explaining how their final year project relates to Thales business, undergraduates have the chance to win a personal 1st prize of £1000 with £500 awarded to the runner up.

The 2010 Thales Scottish Technology Prize will formally be launched to researchers and university staff on the 28th of April at Thales' offices in Glasgow. This event will offer attendees a briefing on the theme of this year's prize as well as providing a unique insight into Thales' business and products.

Places are limited so please register your place http://scottishtechnologyprize.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a149681ef2ca651d36a7b60bf&id=e052b45053&e=dda7893aaa http://scottishtechnologyprize.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a149681ef2ca651d36a7b60bf&id=e052b45053&e=dda7893aaa before the 8th of April 2010.

As ever, the competition is easy to enter and should take no longer than 1 hour of your time. In addition, all IP remains with you as the entrant. For more information on the prize and how to enter, please visit www.scottishtechnologyprize.com http://www.scottishtechnologyprize.com http://scottishtechnologyprize.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a149681ef2ca651d36a7b60bf&id=70d583098f&e=dda7893aaa http://scottishtechnologyprize.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a149681ef2ca651d36a7b60bf&id=70d583098f&e=dda7893aaa

SE Funding News, 1st April 2010

ERI Research Support and Development


*Thursday 1st April 2010*

*This issue brings you key information about EU Week - a programme of events for Edinburgh researchers. Read down to find out more. We've also got details of the latest funding opportunities and events.*


*Advance Notice of BBSRC E-Learning Call*

The BBSRC will shortly announce a call for proposals to develop web-based courses in systems biology.

* BBSRC announcement http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg0MywxMzI0NjE2OTM

*ERI Closure over Easter*

A reminder that there will be no ERI Research Support Service for the College of Science and Engineering on Monday 5th April 2010. One Research Support Advisor will be available to the College on Friday 2nd April.

*International Collaboration*

*International Exchanges, Royal Society of Edinburgh http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg0NSwxMzI0NjE2OTM*

Up to £3,000 for visits of 1-4 weeks to or from Scotland. International partner must be based in one of the countries the Society has a formal agreement with under its Bilateral programme. The next deadline for applications is *30th April 2010*.

*Marie Curie Fellowships, European Commission http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1MCwxMzI0NjE2OTM*

Marie Curie Fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral researchers in any subject. Fellowships last 1-2 years and can bring an early-career researcher from another European country to Edinburgh (Intra-European Fellowship) or from further afield to Edinburgh (International Incoming Fellowship). For both calls, deadline is *17th August 2010*.

*Funding Opportunities*

*Cross-disciplinary feasibility account, EPSRC http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1MiwxMzI0NjE2OTM*

Award of £250,00 for an existing cross-disciplinary research group to explore new, potentially high-impact research directions. Deadline is *20th April 2010.*

*Grand Challenges Explorations, Bill & Melinda Gates http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1NCwxMzI0NjE2OTM=>*

Initial grants of US$100,000 - with possible extension - to overcome global health challenges. For the current call, there is an emphasis on the application of technology. Outline proposal deadline is *19th May 2010*.

*Knowledge Exchange Call, NERC <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1NSwxMzI0NjE2OTM=>*

The call will open in mid-April 2010, with a closing date of *19th May 2010*.

*Managing Research Data 4/10, JISC http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1NiwxMzI0NjE2OTM*

Call to fund projects which promote research data management skills. Deadline is *25th May 2010*.

*Managing Research Data 14/9, JISC http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg1NywxMzI0NjE2OTM=*

Funding to either improve methods for citing, linking and integrating research data or to explore innovative technical and organisational models for data publication. Scottish institutions can only be partners - they cannot lead a bid. Deadline is* 25th May 2010. *

*EPSRC Follow-on Fund http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg2MCwxMzI0NjE2OTM*

To develop the commercial potential of ideas generated by EPSRC research grant funding. Deadline is *26th August 2010*.

*Our Events*

*An Introduction to Research Funding*

Poster http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg2NCwxMzI0NjE2OTM

Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.


*Date:* 22nd April 2010 *Confirmed academic speaker:* Douglas Armstrong *Time: *10:00-14:00 (includes lunch) *Venue:* Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place *Booking:* email transkills@ed.ac.uk http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg2NSwxMzI0NjE2OTM *Further information:* ERI website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg2NiwxMzI0NjE2OTM

*JISC Conference 2010*

JISC funds research which promotes the innovative use of digital technologies in UK universities and colleges. JISC's annual conference takes place this month and has the theme "Technology: at the heart of education and research". You can follow the conference online if you can't attend in person, and all delegates - physically present or not - can network online prior to and during the conference.

*When:* 12-13th April 2010 *Further information: *JISC website - conference pages http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg3MywxMzI0NjE2OTM *Conference online networking:* Join-in online http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzI1Nzg3NCwxMzI0NjE2OTM

Je-S System redesign - to be released on 20 April 2010

As part of the scheduled Je-S System release on Tuesday 20 April there will be major changes to the appearance and function for all document types of Je-S. The changes to the Je-S login site have largely been driven by a need to make the Je-S web site more accessible. An external review of the web site highlighted a number of issues that meant that it was very difficult if, for example, you use screen reading software or cannot use a mouse.

The new site is therefore designed to address this issue and in addition we hope it provides users with more useful information and that it will be easier to navigate. We realise that the changes to the layout will seem strange to frequent users who are comfortable with the old layout and navigation, however, the changes are important for users who have accessibility problems.

Above, for information, is a guidance note which explains the changes and this is being sent to everyone who has been appointed by their Research Organisation to be a Je-S Approver or Submitter of documents submitted to the Research Councils.

We hope that you will agree that the changes are an improvement and welcome any feedback that would help us to continue to improve the Je-S System.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Science and Engineering /Research Funding News/ ERI Research Support and Development

*Research Professional - New Web Address*

Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities to which the University subscribes. The URL for Research Professional is changing - to the easier-to-remember

*http://www.researchprofessional.com/* http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDkzMCwxMzA0MzIxNDM.

This URL is live now.

You will still be able to use the existing URL for Research Professional -

http://new.researchresearch.com/ http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDkzMSwxMzA0MzIxNDM=

- until 29th March 2010. After 29th March, only the new URL will work. Please make sure the Research Professional URL is updated on any websites you maintain.

*Updated Prior Information on Next Year's EU Calls*

*EU 2020 Launched http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDkzNywxMzA0MzIxNDM*

The European Commission recently launched its new ten-year strategy - EU 2020. For research, the strategy aims to:

* Increase the spend on research and development to 3% of EU GDP * Focus research on challenges which are facing Europe: energy, security, transport, climate change, health and ageing * Streamline the admin associated with research applications

*Wellcome Trust Investigator Awards http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDkzOCwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

Further information on how the Trust will be implementing this new initiative.

*Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0MSwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

This scheme enables postdoctoral academics to undertake lecturing or research in the US for a period of three to 10 months. Deadline is *31st May 2010*.

*Daiwa Adrian Prizes http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0MiwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

To recognise scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams. Contributions should have been made primarily to the pure or applied sciences; a social science or educational element is permissable. Previous awards have been for £10,000-15,000. This is a triennial competition, so if you don't apply now, you'll have to wait a while! The deadline for applications is *Friday 4th June 2010*.

*New Website for EU-Russia Collaboration http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0MywxMzA0MzIxNDM*

A new website which aims to help with science and technology cooperation between the EU and Russia has been launched.

*Funding Opportunities*

*EPSRC Collaboration Fund http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0NCwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

To translate research previously financed by the EPSRC into a viable commercial application. Next deadline for expressions of interest is *1st April 2010*.

*EPSRC Policy Fellowships with DEFRA http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0NSwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

To provide greater engineering involvement with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Deadline is *13th April 2010*.

*Crop Improvement Research & Technology Club, BBSRC* http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0NiwxMzA0MzIxNDM=

For interdisciplinary projects lasting up to 5 years. Deadline is *28th April 2010*.

*Our Events*

*An Introduction to Research Funding http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk0NywxMzA0MzIxNDM*

Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.

We have two School-specific sessions of this workshop coming up:

* Informatics - Date: 22nd April 2010 - Confirmed academic speaker: Douglas Armstrong - Time: 10:00-14:00 (includes lunch) - Venue: Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place - Booking: email transkills@ed.ac.uk

*Industry Partnerships and Funding for Biomedical Research http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1MCwxMzA0MzIxNDM*

Flyer http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1MSwxMzA0MzIxNDM

This event aims to give an overview to biomedical researchers of industry partnering opportunities in the pharma sector. The event features an introduction from Dr Mike Capaldi, Edinburgh BioQuarter Commercialisation Director; a talk on 'Working with Pharma' from Allison Jeynes-Ellis, Medical and Innovation Director of the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI); and an overview of industry funding and consultancy opportunities from Edinburgh Research and Innovation.

* Date: 14th May 2010 * Time: 12:00-14:00 * Venue: Lecture Theatre A, The Chancellors Building, 49 Little France Crescent (map http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1MiwxMzA0MzIxNDM=

* Catering: Includes lunch (served at 13:00) * Booking: MyEd http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1MywxMzA0MzIxNDM=

*Put a note in your diary...*

...for EU week! In the first week of May 2010 (3rd-7th), we'll be holding a whole programme of events to give you information about and advice on applying for funding in the second half of EU Framework Programme 7. Funding available from the Framework Programme is going up and is recession-proof for the next three years - it's worth coming along!

*Events by Others*

*Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) Information Day*

The fifth EU Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) call is expected to open in July 2010. This event is an opportunity to get tips on applying to the scheme, find out about what support is on offer for when you're preparing an application, and network with potential project partners.

* Date: 30th March 2010 * Time: 10:00-early afternoon * Venue: Apex House, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh (map http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1NCwxMzA0MzIxNDM * Booking: Online http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk1NSwxMzA0MzIxNDM

A representative of the NMP programme will also be at the University's EU Week during the first week of May - see above.

*Green Week 2010 http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzE4MDk2MywxMzA0MzIxNDM=*

The European Commission's Green Week will take place in Brussels 1st-4th June 2010. The theme of the Week is biodiversity. Topics covered will include: the state of biodiversity and nature; the impact of biodiversity on human health; nature's role in climate change; agricultural land use; urban biodiversity; green infrastructure.

EPSRC policy fellowships in Defra

EPSRC invite applicants for 3 "policy fellowships" within Defra, for summer 2010, to promote knowledge exchange between the engineering community and Defra


G8 Research Councils Initiative

The G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding CALL FOR PRELIMINARY PROPOSALS IS NOW OPEN Interdisciplinary Program on Application Software towards Exascale Computing for Global Scale Issues

The G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding is a coordinated effort to support multilateral research partnerships. The programme aims to support excellent research on topics of global relevance which can best be tackled by a multinational approach. Funding should help researchers to cooperate in consortia consisting of partners from at least three of the participating countries.



Monday, 15 March 2010

2nd CfP Data Mining in Life Science DMLS 2010

Data Mining in Life Sciences
Workshop on Data Mining in Life Sciences DMLS'2010
July 14, 2010, Berlin/Germany

Workshop Chair
Isabelle Bichindaritz, University of Washington, USA

Workshop Committee
Riccardo Bellazzi, University of Pavia, Italy Kung-Ma Chao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Michel Dojat, UM INSERM-UJF U594 , France Peter Funk, Malardalen University, Sweden Sophia Katrenko University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Xiaoqiu Huang, Iowa state University, USA Jingchu Luo, Peking University, China Stefania Montani, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy Oleg Okun, Precise Biometrics, Sweden Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Germany Frank-Michael Schleif, University Leipzig, Germany Rainer Schmidt, Institut fur Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie, Germany Malika Smail-Tabbone, LORIA, France Paolo Soda, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy Herna L. Viktor, University of Ottawa, Canada Scope of the Workshop
Data mining in biology and medicine is a core component of biomedical informatics, and one of the first intensive applications of computer science to this field, whether at the clinic, the laboratory, or the research center. Following a long tradition of data exploration stemming from biostatistical data analysis, todays's biomedical data mining appears more multifaceted with advances in knowledge discovery in databases as well as machine learning approaches.

The goals of this workshop are to:
provide a forum for identifying important contributions and opportunities for research on data mining as it applies to biological and/or medical data, promote the systematic study of how to apply data mining to biology and medicine, and show case applications of data mining in biology and medicine. Some of the technical issues addressed, and potential outcomes of the workshop, are to identify preferred types of mining methods, tools, and processes, preferred domains of application, how to connect a data mining model with a problem to solve, challenges specific to applying data mining to biology and medicine, and guidelines to better develop data mining projects in this domain. We welcome all those interested in the problems and promise of data mining in biology or medicine as well as in bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, environmental sciences and agriculture.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
With regard to different types of data:

Discovery of high-level structures, including e.g. association networks Text mining from biomedical literatur Medical images mining Biomedical signals mining Temporal and sequential data mining Mining heterogeneous data Mining data from molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, pylogenetic classification With regard to different methodologies and case studies:

Data mining project development methodology for biomedicine Integration of data mining in the clinic Ontology-driver data mining in life sciences Methodology for mining complex data, e.g. a combination of laboratory test results, images, signals, genomic and proteomic samples Data mining for personal disease management Utility considerations in DMLS, including e.g. cost-sensitive learning We particularly welcome case studies and applications and discussions of the lessons learned from such case studies Workshop Format
In this workshop we intend to bring scientists together and actively identify common research threads, define open problems, and develop collaborative contacts. We aimed at providing an informal atmosphere where participants are encouraged to ask clarifying questions throughout the talks and to participate in longer discussions after each presentation. Since we anticipate varied backgrounds of the participants, we will encourage speakers to present their work from a big-picture perspective and to clearly identify key issues in their research before they dive into technical details.

A wrap-up round table discussion will summarize the lessons learnt, issues identified, and future directions.

Submission Requirements
Papers will be published in the workshop proceedings by IBaI Publishing. PostScript (compressed and uuencoded) or PDF paper submissions should be formatted according to Springer LNCS format, with a maximum of ten pages. Author's instructions along with LaTeX and Word macro files are available on the web at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html .

Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper through the CMS-system. If you have any problems with the system please do not hesitate to contact info@data-mining-forum.de.
Authors of the selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit their revised and extended papers to a journal special issue.

Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2010 Notification Date: May 24th, 2010 Camera-Ready Deadline: June 4th, 2010 Workshop date: July 14th, 2010
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unsubscribe http://ibai-institut-newsletter.de/cgi-bin/mail/manager.cgi?action=delete&email=michael.fourman%40ed.ac.uk&group1=MDA.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

SE Funding News | 26th Feb | Bumper International Funding Issue | Next Year's EU Calls | Latest Domestic Funding Opportunities

*RSE/BP Research Fellowship http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcwNiwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

These awards will now only be awarded every other year, but new awards will last for five years instead of three. Deadline is *15th March 2010*.

*Universal Biotech Innovation Prize for 2010 http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcwNywxMjg5MjE5NTA*

For best therapeutic innovation made by an academic researcher or young company. Deadline is *2nd April 2010.*

*L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Fellowships 2010 http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcwOCwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

For female life and physical science researchers without a permanent academic post. Deadline is *7th April 2010*.

*Railway Capacity Call, EPSRC http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcwOSwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

For cross-disciplinary collaborations which develop novel approaches to overcome the capacity constraints of stations and junctions on the main line rail network in Great Britain. Deadline is *14th April 2010*.

*JISC Grants for E-Learning http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxMCwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

The latest round of JISC's Learning and Teaching Innovation Grants is now open. Deadline is *19th April 2010*.

*BBSRC Advanced Training Partnerships http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxMSwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

*Philip Leverhulme Prizes, Leverhulme Trust http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxMiwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

A number of awards - £70,000 each - for outstanding scholars under the age of 36. The College has done well with these before. Nominations must be received by *17th May 2010*.


*An Introduction to Research Funding - Informatics http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxMywxMjg5MjE5NTA*

Download a poster! http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxNCwxMjg5MjE5NTA=


This workshop is aimed at researchers who are about to embark on a postdoctoral research career. It provides and overview of funding options, practical guidance on preparing an application and an opportunity to hear from successful researchers.

* Date: 22nd April 2010 * Time: 10:00-14:00 * Venue: Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place * Booking: email transkills@ed.ac.uk http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxNiwxMjg5MjE5NTA

See our website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxNywxMjg5MjE5NTA= or the transkills website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxOCwxMjg5MjE5NTA= for courses for other Schools.

*Save the date...*

...as the Leverhulme Trust will be visiting the University on 23rd September 2010. More details will follow in due course.

*Events from Others*

*MRC/EPSRC Healthy Ageing and Physical Environment Workshop http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcxOSwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

On behalf of the RCUK Lifelong Health and Wellbeing initiative http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyMCwxMjg5MjE5NTA, the MRC and the EPSRC are hosting a workshop on Healthy Ageing and the Physical Environment in co-operation with Tsinghua University in China. Professor Nick Tyler, Director of the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing CRUCIBLE initiative http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyMSwxMjg5MjE5NTA, will be organising and leading the workshop.

* Workshop date: 15th-16th May 2010 * Workshop location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China * Deadline for applications to participate: 5th March 2010 * Applying: Short form on the EPSRC website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyMiwxMjg5MjE5NTA=

*Coaching for Public Talks*

The Edinburgh Beltane will be running a coaching session during March for those who are planning public talks in the next few months. Possible dates for the session are the 15th March or the week commencing either the 22nd or 29th March. If you're interested in attending, please contact Ruth Edwards http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyMywxMjg5MjE5NTA, stating your preferred range of dates.

*Life Sciences - Investing in Discovery http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyNCwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

Event on securing investment for life sciences R&D that is being held here in Edinburgh. Speakers include Professor Anne Glover and Edinburgh's own Professor Sir John Savill and Professor Steve Yearley.

* Date: 23rd March 2010 * Venue: Our Dynamic Earth, Holyrood, Edinburgh * Booking: Email mwarrilow@publicservice.co.uk http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyNSwxMjg5MjE5NTA

*Information Day on the 2011 EU Health Work Programme*

Details of 2011 calls that will be made under the EU's Framework Programme Health http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyNiwxMjg5MjE5NTA=theme will be released in July 2010. There will be an information day for potential applicants in June 2010 (likely to be the 8th June) in Brussels. We'll bring you more details as they become available.

Visit our website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyNywxMjg5MjE5NTA

Research Support and Development http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyOCwxMjg5MjE5NTA= ERI's Research Support and Development team provides a comprehensive range of services to assist University of Edinburgh academics with their applications for research funding.

Events - Coming up http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcyOSwxMjg5MjE5NTA

*An Introduction to Research Funding http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczMCwxMjg5MjE5NTA*

Need More Funding Ideas?

As a member of the University, you have free access to Research Professional http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczMSwxMjg5MjE5NTA. This is an on-line, searchable, near-exhaustive database of research funding opportunities from all over the globe. Browse on campus or register http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczMiwxMjg5MjE5NTA= to access the site from home.

Research Policy News

You can now also get research policy news from Research Professional http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczMywxMjg5MjE5NTA= delivered

straight to your inbox! Here are some instructions http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczNCwxMjg5MjE5NTA= to get you started.

Deadline Calendar

The upcoming deadlines for 2010 for the main science and engineering funders can be viewed online and downloaded here http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczNSwxMjg5MjE5NTA.

*ERI Research Support and Development* College of Science and Engineering Follow us on twitter http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDczNywxMjg5MjE5NTA

Monday, 1 March 2010

SE Funding News | 26th Feb | Bumper International Funding Issue | Next Year's EU Calls

*Wellcome Trust - Implementation of New Investigator Awards*

Applications for this new scheme will be accepted from 1st October 2010. If you wish to send an application for consideration at the first Investigator Awards funding round, you will need to apply before the closing date of Monday 22nd November 2010. Full scheme details will be available from 2nd June 2010.

To manage demand, you will not be able to apply for an Investigator Award if you:

* Are waiting to hear the result of an application to one of the schemes being phased out.
* Are the holder of a programme grant with more than 2 years left to run.

For further information, see the Wellcome Trust's website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY4NSwxMjg5MjE5NTA

*2011 EU Calls on Security*
a draft of the EU Security Work Programme for 2011 - lists all of the topics that are likely to come up when the calls open in summer 2010. Calls will probably have deadlines in November 2010 and will look at:
* Important capability gaps which can be filled using current technologies
* Validation of existing security solutions
* Key, critical capabilities needed by Europe where technologies are not yet mature
* High-risk/high-gain projects which may help the long-term development of new technologies

*Getting a Feel for Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships*
Interested in applying for or hosting a Marie Curie Fellowship (a type of postdoctoral fellowship), but like more info on what a project actually consists of? The EU has produced a document http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY4OSwxMjg5MjE5NTA
which gives detailed information about projects already funded through the Marie Curie programme.

*International Collaboration*
*Royal Society of Edinburgh International Exchange Programme* http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY5MSwxMjg5MjE5NTA
We've just heard that there is another round of funding available under this programme before the end of the financial year. The next deadline for both the Bilateral (= specific countries) and Open (= any countries not covered by Bilateral) schemes is *12th March 2010.*

*Edinburgh Global Development Fund*
The Edinburgh Global Fund (EG Fund) has been established to support the University's internationalisation activities. It will support the costs of building international partnerships and collaborative programme development, among other things. It will not support conference travel.

The Fund is intended for pump-priming activity, with the total award usually needing to be spent within the financial year in which the award is made. No strict cash limit is given.
Planned deadlines for the fund are *26th March and 10th September 2010* and *14th January 2011*.
Applicants may also wish to have a look at the Edinburgh Global website http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY5MywxMjg5MjE5NTA

*International Research Staff Exchange Scheme*
This scheme aims to strengthen research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between European research organisations and organisations from outside the EU. It can be used to establish or reinforce long-term research co-operation. You get EUR 1900 per researcher per month ? so probably a top-up rather than full salary ? and the costs of networking, management and some overheads.

Anyone interested in applying should make sure they speak to Angela Noble (angela.noble@ed.ac.uk
first - Angela can give you the full pros and cons! This FAQ document http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY5NiwxMjg5MjE5NTA
also provides valuable information. The deadline is *25th March 2010*.

*Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange (BIRAX)*
The aim of this scheme is to strengthen academic cooperation between universities in the UK and Israel by awarding grants for joint research. Funding of up to £30,000 is available for all fields of scientific research on the theme of 'Global Challenges in Energy and the Environment'. The deadline is *11th April 2010*.

*UK-China Research Projects in Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies, EPSRC*
Following on from two previous calls, collaborations between Chinese and UK researchers are invited on the topics of:

New technologies based on material advances
. Simulation and modelling of capture and transport
. Predicting and monitoring reservoir response
. CCS potential and pipeline network optimisation
. Solvent based post combustion capture
. CO2 physical properties and flow metering
Projects can last up to three years. A total of £4 million, half of which is from the Natural Science Foundation of China, is available to fund three or four projects. The deadline for applications is *15th April 2010*. *New European Science Foundation Calls* http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDY5OSwxMjg5MjE5NTA
All opportunities offered by the Foundation have in common a commitment to networking within Europe. The 2010 series of calls has just been announced.

*EUROCORES Outline Proposals*
Supports collaborative research involving at least three European countries. UK-based researchers can only participate in the call "Molecular Science for a Conceptual Transition from Fossil to Solar Fuels http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MzEyNDcwMSwxMjg5MjE5NTA
the deadline for which (outlines only) is *26th March 2010.*

*Exploratory Workshops*
For a single workshop which will take place between February and December 2011. Will be open for applications shortly.

*EUROCORES Theme Proposals*
An opportunity to suggest topics for new, collaborative research programmes opens shortly. Successful suggestions will be released as calls for proposals in 2011.

*Research Conferences*
For a three day conference involving researchers from Europe and beyond. Will open for applications shortly.

*Research Networking Programmes*
For long-term networking activity for countries both within and outwith Europe. Call opens in July.