*Research Professional - New Web Address*
Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities to which the University subscribes. The URL for Research Professional is changing - to the easier-to-remember
This URL is live now.
You will still be able to use the existing URL for Research Professional -
- until 29th March 2010. After 29th March, only the new URL will work. Please make sure the Research Professional URL is updated on any websites you maintain.
*Updated Prior Information on Next Year's EU Calls*
*EU 2020 Launched
The European Commission recently launched its new ten-year strategy - EU 2020. For research, the strategy aims to:
* Increase the spend on research and development to 3% of EU GDP
* Focus research on challenges which are facing Europe: energy, security, transport, climate change, health and ageing
* Streamline the admin associated with research applications
*Wellcome Trust Investigator Awards
Further information on how the Trust will be implementing this new initiative.
*Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards
This scheme enables postdoctoral academics to undertake lecturing or research in the US for a period of three to 10 months. Deadline is *31st May 2010*.
*Daiwa Adrian Prizes
To recognise scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams. Contributions should have been made primarily to the pure or applied sciences; a social science or educational element is permissable. Previous awards have been for £10,000-15,000. This is a triennial competition, so if you don't apply now, you'll have to wait a while! The deadline for applications is *Friday 4th June 2010*.
*New Website for EU-Russia Collaboration
A new website which aims to help with science and technology cooperation between the EU and Russia has been launched.
*Funding Opportunities*
*EPSRC Collaboration Fund
To translate research previously financed by the EPSRC into a viable commercial application. Next deadline for expressions of interest is *1st April 2010*.
*EPSRC Policy Fellowships with DEFRA
To provide greater engineering involvement with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Deadline is *13th April 2010*.
*Crop Improvement Research & Technology Club, BBSRC*
For interdisciplinary projects lasting up to 5 years. Deadline is *28th April 2010*.
*Our Events*
*An Introduction to Research Funding
Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.
We have two School-specific sessions of this workshop coming up:
* Informatics
- Date: 22nd April 2010
- Confirmed academic speaker: Douglas Armstrong
- Time: 10:00-14:00 (includes lunch)
- Venue: Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place
- Booking: email transkills@ed.ac.uk
*Industry Partnerships and Funding for Biomedical Research
This event aims to give an overview to biomedical researchers of industry partnering opportunities in the pharma sector. The event features an introduction from Dr Mike Capaldi, Edinburgh BioQuarter Commercialisation Director; a talk on 'Working with Pharma' from Allison Jeynes-Ellis, Medical and Innovation Director of the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI); and an overview of industry funding and consultancy opportunities from Edinburgh Research and Innovation.
* Date: 14th May 2010
* Time: 12:00-14:00
* Venue: Lecture Theatre A, The Chancellors Building, 49 Little
France Crescent (map
* Catering: Includes lunch (served at 13:00)
* Booking: MyEd
*Put a note in your diary...*
...for EU week! In the first week of May 2010 (3rd-7th), we'll be holding a whole programme of events to give you information about and advice on applying for funding in the second half of EU Framework Programme 7. Funding available from the Framework Programme is going up and is recession-proof for the next three years - it's worth coming along!
*Events by Others*
*Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) Information Day*
The fifth EU Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) call is expected to open in July 2010. This event is an opportunity to get tips on applying to the scheme, find out about what support is on offer for when you're preparing an application, and network with potential project partners.
* Date: 30th March 2010
* Time: 10:00-early afternoon
* Venue: Apex House, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh (map
* Booking: Online
A representative of the NMP programme will also be at the University's EU Week during the first week of May - see above.
*Green Week 2010
The European Commission's Green Week will take place in Brussels 1st-4th June 2010. The theme of the Week is biodiversity. Topics covered will include: the state of biodiversity and nature; the impact of biodiversity on human health; nature's role in climate change;
agricultural land use; urban biodiversity; green infrastructure.