Thursday, 27 September 2012

Fund: call for applications

Applications are invited for awards from the Wellcome Trust-University of Edinburgh Institutional Support Fund. The application form and guidance are at The next SBS/CSE deadline for applications is *4pm on Friday 12 October 2012*. This is to allow the proposals to assessed and submitted to the overall deadline date of 19 October 2012. Please submit your application and all relevant documentation to

For proposals from Science & Engineering Schools other than SBS, the proposing School(s) must contribute 25% of the total cost of the proposal (NB. SBS has already made this contribution to the overall pot). Any proposals must therefore have the support of the relevant Head of School.

Please be aware that while Wellcome have indicated that ISSF funding will continue at Edinburgh, this has yet to be officially confirmed by the Trust. This call is therefore made on the basis that funding will be
confirmed in early October.

The College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine and the School of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, have agreed to spend the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund (WT-ISSF) in part in 'response mode' and in part 'top-down'. We have agreed to a series of deadlined calls for
i) support for strategic purposes only, to help towards applications to Wellcome and other major bodies; and
ii) top-down support for major, new initiatives.
Applications which involve collaborative work between Colleges (especially WT-funded groups) and which support likely IA/Fellowship/strategic/commercialisation award bids are particularly welcome.

Please be aware that only cases of clear strategic importance should be forwarded for consideration.

There will be a second call, with a deadline of Friday 1 March 2013 (SBS/CSE deadline 22 Feb 13). The timelines militate for some rapid decisions and picking some obvious winners, and to ensure the award funds are spent within the timeframe given.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Call for applications: Royal Academy of Engineering Schemes - Research Fellowships and Leverhulme

*_Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships_*

Applications are welcomed from outstanding researchers from all branches of engineering who are about to finish their PhD or have up to three years Post-Doctoral research experience. The scheme provides funding for five years to encourage the best researchers to remain in the academic engineering sector. In addition to the direct financial support, the scheme offers successful candidates the freedom to concentrate on basic research by the release from teaching and administrative duties, time to establish a track record in the field
internationally, and a mentor (a Fellow of the Academy) to offer support & advice during the course of the Fellowship.

Further details may be found on our>

Please note that applications must be received by *5pm on* *Monday, 12th November 2012.*

*_Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships_*

This scheme enables the appointment of 7 Senior Research Fellows in UK universities in any discipline of engineering. The Fellowships allow academics to be freed from their administrative and teaching responsibilities in order to concentrate on full-time research for periods from one academic term up to one year. Mid-career engineering academics are thus enabled to rejuvenate their research career or make
significant headway in ongoing work. The Fellow's employing institution will be reimbursed for the gross salary costs of a junior academic at the minimum point on the lectureship scale as paid by the Host University. The replacement will be expected to undertake all of the Fellow's teaching and administrative responsibilities for the duration of the Fellowship.

Further information may be found on our>

Please note that applications must be received by *5pm on* *Monday, 19th November 2012.*

I would be most grateful if you would pass this on to colleagues as you feel appropriate.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Digital Economy call

Pre-announcement for 3M funding on the Digital Economy

The call is Oct 2, you will need to register an intent to submit by Nov 19 and submit Dec 11.

Note that the proposal will require both technological and sociological elements, so you will probably need co-PIs from Humanities and Social Sciences.

If you would like help with finding collaborators, Jo Shaw (Dean of Research in HSS) or Bob Fisher might be able to help.

Scope of the Call

Proposals are invited from cross-disciplinary teams for flexible grants which will support a suite of related research and people-based activities, focussing on one or more thematic areas. The activity is
made up of two strands:

Research Focus

Addressing novel digital economy, economics and management research  challenges in a thematic area
Undertaking potentially transformative, truly cross-disciplinary research
Providing researchers with the opportunity to explore new research  questions across the disciplines.

People-Based Activities

To support a suite of people-based activities to grow a multidisciplinary  working environment To initiate new, long-term collaborations between researchers across the  digital economy, economics and management remit by stimulating innovative  approaches to collaboration between disciplines.
To alleviate barriers to collaboration and to identify practices that  support cross disciplinary research.

The proposal must look to address both streams; research focus and people-based activities, while meeting the objectives of the call.