Friday, 15 June 2012

MRC Confidence in Concept Scheme - deadline for sending proposals to ERI WEDNESDAY 20 June

Likely themes for potential projects will include: 1. drug and diagnostic targets where initial confidence could be established by early compound screens or clinical sample evaluation, 2. medical tools hardware/software (including devices, diagnostics or computer apps) where an early prototype would provide confidence. Given the breadth of research activity across the College, I realise that there could be potential linkage across all the Schools in the College. The award can be used flexibly by the institution to support a number of preliminary-stage translational projects. The projects supported should aim to provide sufficient preliminary data to establish the viability of an approach - i.e. to provide confidence in the underlying concept - before seeking more substantive funding (e.g. from DPFS/DCS* or TSCRC** or from a commercial partner). The funding is not intended to support: Entire translational projects - applicants seeking funding for entire projects are directed to the MRC's DPFS/DCS scheme and TSCRC · Staff between posts/funding (i.e. as "bridging" funds), or PhD studentships · Continuation of normal research grants · Costs relating to protection of intellectual property It is anticipated that individual projects funded from an institution's award will be of the order of £50-100k and around 6 months, although this will be dictated by the needs of each project. The University of Edinburgh will be submitting an application to the Confidence in Concept Scheme and needs to provide evidence of the potential projects that would be suitable to apply for the internal funding if the application was successful. ERI welcome suggestions within these themes and more widely as these could confirm capacity for additional themes. If you know of PI s who have a suitable project idea, please fill in the attached one page template. The deadline for project ideas is close of business on Wednesday 20th June. If you have any questions please contact your local institute or school business development contact. Please send your completed templates to Lorraine Dobbs (