Thursday, 4 October 2012

FUNDING CALL: JSPS London Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Short Term)

JSPS London Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Short Term) Application Deadline: Monday 3rd December 2012 Fellowships must be started between 1st May 2013 to 31st March 2014.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the leading research funding agency in Japan, established by the Japanese Government for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of science. Our Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Short Term) provides the opportunity for researchers based outside of Japan to conduct collaborative research activities with leading research groups at Japanese Universities and Research Institutions for visits of between 1 to 12 months. Eligible applicants need to be either within 2 years of finishing their PhD at the time of applying to start their fellowship in Japan or have obtained their PhD after 2 April 2007. Eligible research fields are not limited.

Please visit the JSPS London website here for further information:

Call for Proposals for Programmes of Knowledge Exchange

The Scottish Universities Insight Institute invites submissions for Knowledge Exchange programmes to be held in the Institute in the period March to September 2013.


Scottish Insight will support at least 3 programmes as a result of this call. Programmes should:

> address substantial issues that face Scotland and the wider world;

> require a multi-disciplinary approach and the input of policy-maker and/or practitioner knowledge;

> marshal the existing knowledge of participants and deploy their experience in fresh ways;

> be productively addressed through a schedule of activities during a period of up to 4 months; and

> have the capacity to extend knowledge and inform policy and/or practice.

Programme participants should include international expertise.  Organising teams must include members employed at 2 of our partner universities. The universities financially sponsoring these programmes are the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling and Strathclyde. Academics from other Scottish universities may participate but not lead programmes. Full details of eligibility criteria in the Guidelines for Applicants.

Application guidelines and application forms can be downloaded at:

key dates

Deadline for Registering Interest: 23:59hrs, Friday 19th October 2012

Deadline for submitting a Proposal: 5pm, Friday 30th November 2012

Funding decision made by: Week beginning 17th December 2012

About the Institute

Scottish Insight's physical space in central Glasgow has been purpose-designed to promote multi-disciplinary interactions. In it's pilot phase, the Institute was hosted and supported by the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow as the Institute for Advance Studies. Since autumn 2010, the Institute operates under the name Scottish Universities Insight Institute, reflecting its collaborative status. This Call is issued on behalf of the partner universities.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Fund: call for applications

Applications are invited for awards from the Wellcome Trust-University of Edinburgh Institutional Support Fund. The application form and guidance are at The next SBS/CSE deadline for applications is *4pm on Friday 12 October 2012*. This is to allow the proposals to assessed and submitted to the overall deadline date of 19 October 2012. Please submit your application and all relevant documentation to

For proposals from Science & Engineering Schools other than SBS, the proposing School(s) must contribute 25% of the total cost of the proposal (NB. SBS has already made this contribution to the overall pot). Any proposals must therefore have the support of the relevant Head of School.

Please be aware that while Wellcome have indicated that ISSF funding will continue at Edinburgh, this has yet to be officially confirmed by the Trust. This call is therefore made on the basis that funding will be
confirmed in early October.

The College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine and the School of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, have agreed to spend the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund (WT-ISSF) in part in 'response mode' and in part 'top-down'. We have agreed to a series of deadlined calls for
i) support for strategic purposes only, to help towards applications to Wellcome and other major bodies; and
ii) top-down support for major, new initiatives.
Applications which involve collaborative work between Colleges (especially WT-funded groups) and which support likely IA/Fellowship/strategic/commercialisation award bids are particularly welcome.

Please be aware that only cases of clear strategic importance should be forwarded for consideration.

There will be a second call, with a deadline of Friday 1 March 2013 (SBS/CSE deadline 22 Feb 13). The timelines militate for some rapid decisions and picking some obvious winners, and to ensure the award funds are spent within the timeframe given.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Call for applications: Royal Academy of Engineering Schemes - Research Fellowships and Leverhulme

*_Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships_*

Applications are welcomed from outstanding researchers from all branches of engineering who are about to finish their PhD or have up to three years Post-Doctoral research experience. The scheme provides funding for five years to encourage the best researchers to remain in the academic engineering sector. In addition to the direct financial support, the scheme offers successful candidates the freedom to concentrate on basic research by the release from teaching and administrative duties, time to establish a track record in the field
internationally, and a mentor (a Fellow of the Academy) to offer support & advice during the course of the Fellowship.

Further details may be found on our>

Please note that applications must be received by *5pm on* *Monday, 12th November 2012.*

*_Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships_*

This scheme enables the appointment of 7 Senior Research Fellows in UK universities in any discipline of engineering. The Fellowships allow academics to be freed from their administrative and teaching responsibilities in order to concentrate on full-time research for periods from one academic term up to one year. Mid-career engineering academics are thus enabled to rejuvenate their research career or make
significant headway in ongoing work. The Fellow's employing institution will be reimbursed for the gross salary costs of a junior academic at the minimum point on the lectureship scale as paid by the Host University. The replacement will be expected to undertake all of the Fellow's teaching and administrative responsibilities for the duration of the Fellowship.

Further information may be found on our>

Please note that applications must be received by *5pm on* *Monday, 19th November 2012.*

I would be most grateful if you would pass this on to colleagues as you feel appropriate.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Digital Economy call

Pre-announcement for 3M funding on the Digital Economy

The call is Oct 2, you will need to register an intent to submit by Nov 19 and submit Dec 11.

Note that the proposal will require both technological and sociological elements, so you will probably need co-PIs from Humanities and Social Sciences.

If you would like help with finding collaborators, Jo Shaw (Dean of Research in HSS) or Bob Fisher might be able to help.

Scope of the Call

Proposals are invited from cross-disciplinary teams for flexible grants which will support a suite of related research and people-based activities, focussing on one or more thematic areas. The activity is
made up of two strands:

Research Focus

Addressing novel digital economy, economics and management research  challenges in a thematic area
Undertaking potentially transformative, truly cross-disciplinary research
Providing researchers with the opportunity to explore new research  questions across the disciplines.

People-Based Activities

To support a suite of people-based activities to grow a multidisciplinary  working environment To initiate new, long-term collaborations between researchers across the  digital economy, economics and management remit by stimulating innovative  approaches to collaboration between disciplines.
To alleviate barriers to collaboration and to identify practices that  support cross disciplinary research.

The proposal must look to address both streams; research focus and people-based activities, while meeting the objectives of the call.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

£3000 Fellowships available for researchers from all disciplines

The Software Sustainability Institute ( ; has launched a Fellowship programme that recognises outstanding UK-based researchers who use software. The Fellowships come with £3000 funding which can be used for travel, collaboration and running events. Fellows advise the Institute on important software, evangelise software practices and champion the adoption of best-of-breed software. Fellows will contribute to our blog, and are supported in advertising their own research. Apply to become a Fellow online: --Launch event-- A Fellowship Launch event will be held at the Digital Research 2012 ( in Oxford on 10 September 2012. Attendees at the launch event will receive free entry to the conference on 10 September and, if they choose to stay on, a 50% reduced fee for the rest of the conference. Applicants to the Fellowship Programme put themselves in an advantageous position if we have met them already at the workshop. --Who we are looking for-- We are seeking fifteen outstanding researchers at different stages in their career, from PhDs to Professors, and from a wide range of research disciplines in science, technology and engineering. Successful Fellows will have a demonstrable knowledge and visibility in their community and have excellent communication skills. --Funding-- The £3000 funding is flexible and can be used for travel to conferences, setting up and running workshops, starting new collaborations or hosting/teaching at Software Carpentry training events. --Important information-- The Software Sustainability Institute is a national facility that helps researchers and developers to build and use better research software. The closing date for applications is Thursday 20 September 2012 at 5pm. Fellowships last eighteen months and are available from 1 January 2012 through 30 June 2014. We will announce the successful recipients of the Software Sustainability Institute's Fellowships in November 2012.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Tuesday 7 Aug - EU funding calls workshop


Tuesday 7 Aug - EU funding calls workshop

Workshop on latest EU funding calls
Seminar Room, Old Surgeon's Hall
Tuesday 7th August
Robin Williams will be at all sessions, as will representatives of ERI
(Sarah Anderson and Andy McDonald).

We've now produced a shortlist of calls based on the interests of people who've responded, and have allocated *times* to discuss these.

Anyone is welcome to come along to these sessions, whether or not they've  already been in touch with me or Robin about their interests. If you plan to  come along, please RSVP to
<> if possible.

Robin Williams
Sarah Anderson

Director, Research Centre for Social Sciences
Edinburgh Research
and Innovation

Friday, 3 August 2012

Royal Society grant schemes - Industry Fellowship

The next round of the *Royal Society Industry Fellowship Scheme* will be open for applications from *Wednesday 1 August 2012*. The closing date for applications is *Friday 5 October 2012*.
The Industry Fellowship scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation. The scheme aims to enhance knowledge transfer between academia and industry and provides holders with a basic salary and a contribution towards research costs.
The scheme covers all areas of life and physical science, including engineering but excluding clinical medicine. The fellowship is for two years full time or up to 4 years part time.
Further information and full eligibility criteria can be found on the Royal Society website -
<> or by emailing <>
The scheme provides the applicant's basic salary while on secondment.
The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension contributions.
Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year.
Awards can be for any period up to two years full-time or a maximum of four years pro rata, i.e. an award could be held at 50% part-time for four years enabling fellows to maintain links with their employing institution more easily.

Royal Society grant schemes - Industry Fellowship

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

The next round of the *Royal Society Industry Fellowship Scheme* will be
open for applications from *Wednesday 1 August 2012*. The closing date for
applications is *Friday 5 October 2012*.

The Industry Fellowship scheme is for academic scientists who want to work
on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who
want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation. The
scheme aims to enhance knowledge transfer between academia and industry and
provides holders with a basic salary and a contribution towards research

The scheme covers all areas of life and physical science, including
engineering but excluding clinical medicine. The fellowship is for two years
full time or up to 4 years part time.

Further information and full eligibility criteria can be found on the Royal
Society website -
<> or by emailing <>


The scheme provides the applicant's basic salary while on secondment.
The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension

Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year.
Awards can be for any period up to two years full-time or a maximum of four
years pro rata, i.e. an award could be held at 50% part-time for four years
enabling fellows to maintain links with their employing institution more

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Monday, 9 July 2012

RAEng Enterprise Fellowships

Are you ready to turn your research into a successful business? Engingeering Enterprise Fellowships provide up to £85,000 for 12 months to enable you to develop a spin-out business around your technological idea. With the help of business mentors and training, you will gain the tools, contacts and confidence to transform your idea into a successful business venture. Please see website for further information: For enquiries please contact:

EPSRC submission for additional capital bids as part of RCUK input

The Daphne Jackson Trust is a charity which offers flexible, part-time, paid fellowships to scientists, engineers and technologists who have taken a career break of two or more years for family, caring or health reasons. Applications are invited to apply for two Daphne Jackson Fellowships at the University of Edinburgh and one at the University of Huddersfield. For more information on how to apply, visit [ ] Young Women Engineer of the Year Awards (YWE Awards) The YWE Awards are UK only awards for females under the age of 30. Nominees are currently required for - YWE Award (£2,500 prize money), Mary George Memorial Prize for Apprentices (£750 prize money) and the Women's Engineering Society (WES) prize (£750 prize money). The awards are all free to enter and are aimed at women in the Science, Engineering, Technology or IT sectors. For further information and how to nominate/enter visit [ ]

Friday, 15 June 2012

MRC Confidence in Concept Scheme - deadline for sending proposals to ERI WEDNESDAY 20 June

Likely themes for potential projects will include: 1. drug and diagnostic targets where initial confidence could be established by early compound screens or clinical sample evaluation, 2. medical tools hardware/software (including devices, diagnostics or computer apps) where an early prototype would provide confidence. Given the breadth of research activity across the College, I realise that there could be potential linkage across all the Schools in the College. The award can be used flexibly by the institution to support a number of preliminary-stage translational projects. The projects supported should aim to provide sufficient preliminary data to establish the viability of an approach - i.e. to provide confidence in the underlying concept - before seeking more substantive funding (e.g. from DPFS/DCS* or TSCRC** or from a commercial partner). The funding is not intended to support: Entire translational projects - applicants seeking funding for entire projects are directed to the MRC's DPFS/DCS scheme and TSCRC · Staff between posts/funding (i.e. as "bridging" funds), or PhD studentships · Continuation of normal research grants · Costs relating to protection of intellectual property It is anticipated that individual projects funded from an institution's award will be of the order of £50-100k and around 6 months, although this will be dictated by the needs of each project. The University of Edinburgh will be submitting an application to the Confidence in Concept Scheme and needs to provide evidence of the potential projects that would be suitable to apply for the internal funding if the application was successful. ERI welcome suggestions within these themes and more widely as these could confirm capacity for additional themes. If you know of PI s who have a suitable project idea, please fill in the attached one page template. The deadline for project ideas is close of business on Wednesday 20th June. If you have any questions please contact your local institute or school business development contact. Please send your completed templates to Lorraine Dobbs (

Thursday, 19 April 2012

China-UK cooperation programme in global priorities grants (energy, food, biotech)

Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) have launched a joint call to strengthen the existing research links between the UK and China. The deadline for applications is *30th April 2012*.

Funding will be provided to facilitate bilateral co-operation between British and Chinese research groups in the research areas of:

* *healthy ageing populations* * *energy* * *food security*

Up to £200K per project is available on the UK side; matching resources will be provided by MoST for the Chinese side It is anticipated that 1-2 joint projects will be funded in each theme area.


UK-based researchers should:

* have received funding in the last three years from BBSRC, EPSRC or MRC for collaboration which has involved partnership with China * be able to demonstrate existing and active research links with a specific Chinese institution

Further info

Full details of the call including eligibility conditions and instructions on how to apply can be found on the RCUK website:

* China-UK Programme in Global Priorities (CUKPGP)"


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Call for Short-term Grant Funding for EPSRC-Related Research; DEADLINE - 11 May 2012

Call for Short-Term Grant Funding for EPSRC-Related Research - EPSRC Unspent Grant Balances 2012. EPSRC has made available a small amount of money for the University of Edinburgh to spend on promoting activities which address our and their priority areas. These activities will be constrained to the following areas: bridging funding to retain key staff on EPSRC projects. Follow-on studies to determine commercial viability of EPSRC-funded work. Collaborative meetings for future multi-disciplinary, international or industry collaborations. Pilot projects to determine feasibility of future EPSRC applications. Interdisciplinary proposals in the following EPSRC themes will be prioritised:

1. Energy. 2. Living with Environmental Change. 3. Healthcare Technologies. 4. Global Uncertainties. 5. Digital Economy. 6. Manufacturing the Future. See for further details on the EPSRC themes. Activities that will lead to a contribution to REF2014 will also be preferred. The College intends to fund 10-15 projects at a cost of £10k-£30k for expenditure in the period from the *1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013*.

Please note: These funds cannot be used to supplement bids to EPSRC or for research equipment.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Scottish Universities Insight Institute - Call for proposals

Call for Proposals for Programmes of Knowledge Exchange

The Scottish Universities Insight Institute invites submissions for Knowledge Exchange programmes to be held in the Institute in the period September 2012 to February 2013.

Application guidelines and application forms can be downloaded at:

Key dates Deadline for Registering Interest: 23:59hrs, Sunday 15th April 2012 Deadline for submitting a Proposal: 5pm, Friday 18th May 2012 Funding decision made by: Week beginning 25^th June 2012.

Programmes Scottish Insight will support at least 2 programmes as a result of this call. Programmes should: - address substantial issues that face Scotland and the wider world; - require a multi-disciplinary approach and the input of policy-maker and/or practitioner knowledge; - marshal the existing knowledge of participants and deploy their experience in fresh ways; - be productively addressed through a schedule of activities during a period of up to 4 months - have the capacity to extend knowledge and inform policy and/or practice.

Programme participants should include international expertise. Organising teams must include members employed at 2 of our partner universities. The universities financially sponsoring these programmes are the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling and Strathclyde. Academics from other Scottish universities may participate but not lead programmes.

*As indicated in the Guidelines, applicants are encouraged to discuss potential proposals with the Institute's Director or Manager.*

Web: <>

Friday, 3 February 2012

JISC Grant Funding 01/12: Digital Infrastructure Programme

JISC invites proposals for projects to help institutions and the HE Sector as a whole develop a digital infrastructure.

Funding totalling £2,280,000 is available to support projects in the following areas: . research data management . research tools, including research vocabularies relevant to specific disciplines . research information management . information and library infrastructure . access and identity management

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is *12:00 noon UK time on Friday 16 March 2012.*

The full call document can be found here; <

*Eligibility * Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via BIS, SFC, DFES Wales and DEL Northern Ireland. With regard to bids from Scottish institutions, SFC has applied a significant budget cut to JISC in 2011-12 AY. Following consultation with Scottish institutions, SFC has requested that the impact of this budget cut falls on the number of innovation projects JISC is able to fund at Scottish institutions, rather than to cut or increase charges for national services, such as JANET, JISC Collections and JISC Advance.

Whilst Scottish institutions therefore remain eligible to bid for project funding in response to this call, depending on the quality of the submissions, JISC may need to limit the number of projects awarded to Scottish institutions.

Proposals may be from single institutions or consortia unless indicated otherwise in the relevant call. Partnership arrangements may be developed outside the sector (for example with research council sites, publishers, commercial suppliers), but the lead partner must meet the criteria outlined above. Funds can only be allocated through the lead partner.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Call for EPSRC Building Global Engagements in Research Applications

EPSRC has recently announced the funding opportunity entitled 'Building Global Engagements in Research' (, where EPSRC is seeking to build capacity within UK research centres for international engagement. This call announces up to £6M in grants, of up to £500K each, to increase the strength and productivity of current international links, or build links in regions where none previously existed.

The focus of effort should be to enhance research programmes within an institution that address the objectives above and should utilize a number of existing mechanisms for support, such as workshops, research co-ordination, networking activities, short-term visits and programmes of staff, and post doctoral and student exchanges. Other innovative models of international partnership building are encouraged. Multidisciplinary applications will be considered, but the majority of the proposed research must fall within the EPSRC remit. Only ONE application per university will be permitted.

The College will now conduct an internal selection process to make the final decision on who goes forward to EPSRC, and applicants are invited to submit a short application for consideration by *4pm, Monday the 6 February 2012*.

After internal selection it should be noted that EPSRC's deadline for applications is 4pm, Thursday the 1 March 2012 and grants will have a start date of the 1 April 2012 and end by the 31 March 2013. No extensions will be given.

Applicants are requested to submit a one-page A4 application, as a single PDF document. Please label your PDF attachment with your name, and in the subject line of your email, please type 'Building Global Engagements Call'.

Applications should comply with the following:

1. Title of the project.

2. Brief description of the project's international partner(s), background, defined outcomes, clear objectives and how they will be achieved with milestones where appropriate, and the impact of the project.

3. Fit to the call's assessment criteria as clearly outlined in theirguidelines gementsInResearch.pdf. It is critically important given the short timescales of this internal selection process that expressions of interest are made against these assessment criteria.

4. Estimated budget and key items feasibility within timescale (funds to be spent by the 31 March 2013).

All expressions of interest must align with EPSRC's criteria and note that research is global and EPSRC need their portfolio of sponsored research and researchers to be able to collaborate and cooperate with appropriate internationally leading researchers from across the globe - both in basic research and in tackling globally important challenges and enabling 'best with best' collaboration.

Applications MUST be received by *4pm, Monday the 6 February 2012* for internal review and should be sent to All enquiries should be sent to the Dean International, Professor Robin Wallace and Dean of Research, Professor Bob Fisher Decisions will be made by the Dean International and Dean of Research by Wednesday the 8 February 2012.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards 2012

Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Awards *deadline 30^th April2012* This is a prestigious competition aimed at researchers who have completed a PhD but who are still relatively early on in their academic career. The University as a whole can only submit one application so potential candidates should be made are aware of the internal selection process. Please note that this internal selection process requires Schools and Centres to demonstrate their support for the application. The scheme in brief

The Leverhulme Trust funds research in all areas except the type of medical research that could be funded by the Wellcome Trust or MRC. The Trust aims to fund research which does not fall easily within the remit of the UK Research Councils. For more information about Leverhulme's ethos, visit

The Research Leadership Award provides substantial funding to allow a researcher early on in their academic career to establish a research team. Funding is in the region of £800,000-1,000,000 and lasts for up to five years. This scheme has run once before, in 2006-7; Edinburgh was not successful under this competition.

Internal selection process

The University's Research Policy Group ( rch/rpg)

will make the final decision about which University of Edinburgh candidate will be put forward for the Leverhulme Research Leadership Scheme. Potential University of Edinburgh candidates will be required to submit the following information to the internal selection process:

  • A copy of their CV
  • A one-page outline of their proposed research. This needs to include a brief statement on why Leverhulme will like this research, and an approximation of the resources required (students, research assistants, etc.).
  • A statement from the Head of School or Centre stating why the candidate is both excellent both in themselves and in their fit to the School's/Centre's research strategy.

This information must be submitted to Emma Gliori ( 51 4055) by *4pm, Thursday 16th February 2012*. There is no limit on how many applicants from any one School or Centre may submit applications to the internal selection process, but Research Policy Group reserves the option to ask Schools and Centres to rank their candidates if required.

Applicants and Schools are reminded that Leverhulme seeks to fund research that does not easily map to the aims and remits of the UK Research Councils.

Further information

If you have inquiries not answered by the information given here or Leverhulme's website, please contact Emma Gliori ( <>; 51 4055) in the first instance.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Urgent deadline AXA Research Fund Postdoctoral and PhD Fellowship Schemes

AXA Research Fund have launched their 2012 Postdoctoral Fellowship and PhD Fellowship schemes.

The deadline for receipt of the names of potential candidates is 5pm on Friday 13th January.

Details can be found at: and

In essence, the proposed research must fall within the scope of one of the following risk areas:

Life risks

  • Longevity and long-term care
  • Emerging biomedical risks
  • Addictions and at-risk behaviour

Socio Economic Risks

  • Geopolitical risks
  • Financial, economic and social risks
  • Major corporate risks

Environmental risks

  • Climate disasters
  • Socio-economic consequences of natural disasters
  • Risks arising from climate change

Further details of these themes can be found at

This year AXA have adopted a 2-stage approach for both Postdoctoral and PhD schemes.

Round 1 invites universities to indicate in which *research fields* it considers that it will submit applications for these schemes. The eligible research fields are as follows:

  • Biology & Biochemistry
  • Biology & Genetics
  • Economics & Business
  • Environment/Ecology
  • Geosciences
  • Immunology
  • Mathematics
  • Microbiology
  • Neuroscience & Behavior
  • Plant & animal Science
  • Psychiatry/Psychology
  • Social Sciences, General

For the research fields we put forward , we are invited to provide some accompanying text on the strengths of the University in this area and any other 'relevant information'.

The deadline for submitting our chosen research fields is noon on January19th. We will then hear from AXA how many candidates we can put forward in each scheme, but these will not exceed 2, and may be less!

*What we need at this stage.*

To determine which research fields we put forward from Edinburgh, we need to know who the potential candidates are.

If you have a potential candidate, can you email to:

  • their name
  • which of the 12 research areas and 10 risk areas they would apply for

*by 5pm on Friday 13th January*.

Depending on the number of candidates proposed at this stage, we may need an internal filtering of research areas to maximise the chances of success.

Please note that it is not until Round 2 that institutions will be required to submit the names of candidates. This round opens on January 26th and closes on March 1st. It is at this stage that Research Policy Group will determine which candidates represent Edinburgh based upon the number we are invited to field. These candidates will then be approached directly by AXA and invited to complete the application paperwork by noon on March 29th, with the results of the competitions announced on June 29th.

For further information on the schemes, or the University's process, please contact