- Is approximately one (1) A4 page in length
- Includes a summary of the proposed objectives, timescale and required resources
- Exemplifies how the proposed work addresses the key criteria of the JISC call**
- Demonstrates how the proposal will excite the JISC reviewers
Dr Sian Bayne and Dr Rory Ewins have kindly agreed to act as Edinburgh's internal reviewers for this call. A summary of call 20/11 is given below.
20/11 Embedding impact analysis in research using BCE practitioners (research impact)
The University can submit one bid to this call, the purpose of which is to use the expertise of business and community engagement ('BCE') and research information management practitioners to help institutions enhance their capability to analyse and articulate the impact of their research. Ten projects of £15,000-30,000 in value and 6 months in duration will be funded.
The deadline for applications is 12:00 noon UK time on 1 March 2012.
Anyone interested in applying to this call is asked to contact Sarah Anderson (sarah.anderson@ed.ac.uk ASAP, as an internal selection process will apply. Further information is available at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2011/12/grantcall2011.aspx.