Tuesday, 29 November 2011

£600,000 for UK electronics academics to initiate collaborative research across disciplinary boundaries

eFutures, the EPSRC funded network for UK electronics academics based in Newcastle and led by Prof. Anthony O'Neill, has been awarded a research grant from EPSRC to establish new cross-disciplinary research projects and collaborations. The eFuturesXD account will offer awards to support UK academics in electronics as they initiate collaborative research across their discipline boundary.

A total of £600,000 will be distributed by eFuturesXD over a three year period via four kinds of awards allowing access to funding for travel, meetings, facilities and project staff.


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

ERC Advanced Grants and Synergy Grants

The UK Research Office (UKRO) have announced a series of information and proposal writing events for researchers who are interested in applying for the ERC Advanced Grants and the new Synergy Grants schemes.

The Edinburgh event: *1 December 2011*

Venue: Ground floor lecture theatre, Adam House, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HT

Map: http://www.ed.ac.uk/maps/buildings/adam-house

Each session will begin promptly at 12.30 and will close at 17.45.

Other locations and dates for similar events are as follows:

University College London, 2 December 2011

University of Manchester, 14 December 2011

Royal Veterinary College, University of London, 15 December 2011

Booking is essential. Please register directly with UKRO:


If you are considering applying for a Synergy Grant please let the ERI Research Support and Development office know as soon as possible, by emailing: europe@eri.ed.ac.uk

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

UoE Moray Endowment fund deadline for applications 20 November 2011

University of Edinburgh Moray Endowment small grant fund

The Fund is intended to support original research in any discipline. Funds are awarded via an annual competition. The next application deadline is 20 November 2011.

For further information on how to apply for this funding, please see the website:

http://www.eri.ed.ac.uk/research-support-and-development/research-developmen t/funding-opportunities/Moray.html