Friday, 23 September 2011

Edinburgh-internal selection - JISC Grant Funding 14/11: Access to Resources and Open Innovation Phase 2

JISC has announced new calls for Access to Resources and Open Innovation projects. The deadline for expressions of interest is *19th October 2011* and Scottish institutions can bid direct.

The Edinburgh-internal selection process for this call:

*By 4pm on Monday 3^rd October 2011*, please email to * <> (51 4055) *an outline of your proposed application. This needs to:

- Be approximately one (1) A4 page in length - Give a summary of the proposed objectives, timescale and required resources - Exemplify how the proposed work addresses the key criteria of the JISC call - Demonstrate how the proposal will excite the JISC reviewers

Judy Hardy ( and Jo-Anne Murray ( .htm)

have both kindly agreed to act as the Edinburgh-internal reviewers for this call. We hope to advise all applicants of the outcome of the internal review within 2-3 days of the internal deadline and as far as possible in advance of JISC's *19th October* deadline for expressions of interest. In the event of only one application being received for internal review by the internal deadline, this will automatically be permitted go forward to JISC and no review will take place.

Full information about the JISC call can be viewed at

JISC Grant Funding 15/11: Embedding impact analysis good practice in research using BCE practitioners

JISC invites institutions to submit funding proposals for partnership projects to embed technology-enabled good practice in impact analysis in research departments, using the expertise of Business and Community Engagement (BCE) staff.

Funding is available for tripartite collaborative partnership projects comprising BCE 'impact analysts', research groups and information management expertise. These projects will help institutions embed processes, capabilities and technologies for identifying, analysing and articulating the impact and benefits of their research in order to enhance their impact and sustainability.

An on-line matching process will bring together interested research groups, impact analysts and information management experts.

£240,000 is available to fund 8 projects at £30,000 each. Projects of 6 months duration will commence in January 2012 and complete by 30 June 2012.

*The deadline for bids is 31 October 2011.*

The full text of the call is available at


Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via BIS, SFC, DFES Wales and DEL Northern Ireland.

With regard to bids from Scottish institutions, SFC has applied a significant budget cut to JISC in 2011-12 AY. Following consultation with Scottish institutions, SFC has requested that the impact of this budget cut falls on the number of innovation projects JISC is able to fund at Scottish institutions, rather than to cut or increase charges for national services, such as JANET, JISC Collections and JISC Advance. Whilst Scottish institutions therefore remain eligible to bid for project funding in response to this call, depending on the quality of the submissions, JISC may need to limit the number of projects awarded to Scottish institutions.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Scottish Enterprise/RSE Enterprise Fellowships workshop

On 30th September 2011, the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and Scottish Enterprise will be visiting the University to promote and provide guidance on their joint Enterprise Fellowship scheme.

Key information Date: Friday 30th September 2011 Time: 10:00-12:00 Venue: Room 7.15, Swann Building, Kings Buildings, University of Edinburgh Booking: via MyEd

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JISC Grant Funding 14/11: Access to Resources and Open Innovation Phase 2

JISC has announced new calls for Access to Resources and Open Innovation projects. The deadline for expressions of interest is 19th October 2011* and Scottish institutions can bid direct.

*N.B. Edinburgh will be operating an internal selection process for this call *as any one institution cannot submit more than one bid.

JISC invites institutions to submit expressions of interest in undertaking projects that will proliferate good practice in */Access to Resources /*and */Open Innovation/*, building on JISC's investment in this area*/./*

Funding for /Access to Resources /projects will help institutions develop and demonstrate the provision-in-partnership of integrated online service models, offering access to information, knowledge and expertise to business and community organisations and individuals, especially SMEs.

Funding for /Open Innovation /projects will help institutions develop and demonstrate effective models for opening up selected knowledge assets for co-development, with externals, in open marketplaces -- creating new business opportunities from online co-development with external parties.

A two-stage bidding process will be undertaken as outlined below:

*Stage 1: *Institutions should submit short two page 'pitches' which outline the institution's response to the programme objectives -- 'pitching' the idea, the partnerships and services / sectors involved.

*Stage 2: *Proposers shortlisted from the first stage will be invited to the second stage and will be required to present and 'pitch' their proposed project in person to an evaluation panel in January 2012 (as well as submit a project delivery plan).

£1 million is available (£80,000-£100,000 per project) to fund 12 month projects -- 6 under the /Access to Resources /strand and 6 under the /Open Innovation /strand. Projects should commence by 1 March 2012 and complete by 28 February 2013.

*The deadline for Stage 1 expressions of interest is 19 October 2011.*

The full text of the call is available at


Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via BIS, SFC, DFES Wales and DEL Northern Ireland.

With regard to bids from Scottish institutions, SFC has applied a significant budget cut to JISC in 2011-12 AY. Following consultation with Scottish institutions, SFC has requested that the impact of this budget cut falls on the number of innovation projects JISC is able to fund at Scottish institutions, rather than to cut or increase charges for national services, such as JANET, JISC Collections and JISC Advance. Whilst Scottish institutions therefore remain eligible to bid for project funding in response to this call, depending on the quality of the submissions, JISC may need to limit the number of projects awarded to Scottish institutions.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme

ERCIM offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world. The next round is open!

Topics cover most disciplines in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Applied Mathematics.

Fellowships are generally of 24 month duration, spent in two ERCIM member institutes. A fellowship of 12 month duration spent in one institute might also be offered.

Detailed description of the programme and the application form :

Deadline for applications: 30 September 2011.

Conditions Applicants must:

* Have obtained a PhD degree during the last 8 years (prior to the application deadline) or be in the last year of the thesis work with an outstanding academic record. * Be fluent in English. * Be discharged or get deferment from military service. * Have completed the PhD before starting the grant (proof will be requested).

ERCIM Fellowships are co-funded by Marie Curie Actions.

ERC Starting Grants - 16 September 2011

Event ERC Starting Grants 16 September 2011

The UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the European Research Council(ERC), the UK Research Office, is giving an information event for researchers interested in applying for the ERC Starting Grants at the University of Edinburgh:

Date: Friday 16th September 2011

Time: Two identical sessions will be held, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please note that it is only necessary to attend one session. - Morning session: The morning session will start at 09:30 promptly (with registration from 9.10) and close at 13.15. - Afternoon session: The afternoon session will start at 14:00 promptly (with registration from 13.40) and close at 17.45.

Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, 7 Bristo Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9AL Map:

Registration - please complete the on-line registration form at:

Attendance is free of charge.

Further information:


Please note that, to be eligible for the ERC-2012-StG call, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be 2 to 12 years after the completion of their PhD, which can be extended up to 16.5 years in certain (strict)cases.


The ERC-2012-StG Starting Grant Call opened on 20 July 2011.

There are three separate deadlines, one per research domain: - Physical Sciences and Engineering domain (Panels PE1 - PE10) - 12 October 2011 - Life Sciences domain (Panels LS1 - LS9) - 9 November 2011 - Social Sciences and Humanities domain (Panels SH1 - SH6) - 24 November 2011

Aim of each session

The aim of each session is to provide participants with an overview of the ERC in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and will focus on the application process for the ERC Starting Grant scheme. Participants should gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues they are required to address in planning, writing and costing a Starting Grant proposal. There will be opportunities to ask questions during each session.

Who should attend?

The sessions will be of particular interest to UK-based researchers planning to submit a proposal for the ERC Starting Grants.

Statistics and information

Further information (including the ERC Work Programme, Guide for Applicants and FAQs) are available on the UK ERC NCP website:

If you have any questions, please send an email to the UK ERC NCP helpdesk at: or telephone: 0032 2 289 6121.

-- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Engineering Enterprise Fellowships

The Royal Academy of Engineering has launched a new scheme, Engineering Enterprise Fellowships, which provide funding and support to outstanding entrepreneurial researchers, working in UK Universities, to enable them to spend 12 months developing the commercial potential of their research.

- Enterprise Fellowships provide up to £85,000 seed funding, including salary support, to build a commercial enterprise at a UK University.

- In addition to the funding, business training is provided to develop skills and masterclasses will be offered using experienced entrepreneurs to supplement the training.

- Mentors will be allocated to each Enterprise Fellow to provide support and advice during the Fellowship.

- Access will be given to business angels and venture capital networks through the Mentors.

The deadline for applications is *Friday 21 October 2011*

For an application form and further details please contact Dr Shafiq Ahmed, Manager, International & Enterprise Fellowships at: <>**

-- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Leverhulme Research Programmes 2011-12

Information about the proposal development process the University of Edinburgh is following for the 2011-12 Leverhulme Research Programmes competition. Last year, the same process supported a bid which made it to the final four in Leverhulme's selection process.

If you plan to apply to this competition, which has a deadline of 11th January 2012, please read down. This information is also on our blog at:


The Leverhulme Trust has recently announced its Research Programmes call ( for the academic year 2011-12. Research Programmes are prestigious awards that are worth up to £1.75 million each. For 2011-12, proposals are invited on the following themes: - Conspiracies - Patronage - Value Further information about the themes is in the Leverhulme Programme call 2012.

Step 1: Leverhulme Research Programmes Long Lunch

This will be an opportunity for researchers interested in being involved in an application to any of the three themes to get to know others with cogent interests and, hopefully, establish research teams. Attendees will be asked to give, either individually or in groups, a very brief (5 minutes max.) summary of the interests and expertise they think they could bring to an application to one or more of the themes. There will then be time for break-out discussions. We're pleased to say that Prof Steve Yearley will be present to speak about his own experiences of getting a proposal shortlisted.

Date: Friday 30th September 2011

Time: 12:00-15:00

Venue: G.07, Informatics Forum, Crichton Street Map:

Booking: Attendees must indicate their attendance in advance by emailing

Step 2: College-level Review

The purpose of this review is to finalise how many proposals are going forward from Edinburgh to Leverhulme and from whom - it is not a competitive process. College-level review will be conducted by College Deans of Research. Given the interdisciplinary nature of Leverhulme Research Programmes, two or three Deans are likely to review any one proposal.

- Deadline for receipt of proposals for internal review: 5pm, Friday 28th October 2011

Required format for proposals for internal review: 3 pages draft proposal (2 pages describing the project; 1 page describing the strengths of the research team, the timeline up to submission to Leverhulme and the reasons why Leverhulme will fund the bid over any others submitted to that theme).

Step 3: Completion and Submission of Proposals

Preparation of proposals will require the involvement of academic colleagues, school research administrators and ERI staff. Leverhulme's deadline is in early January 2012, meaning that, in practice, proposals need to be complete before Christmas 2011. (Minor changes can, of course, still be made over the Christmas break.)

- University of Edinburgh deadline for completion of proposals: 4pm, Wednesday 30th November 2011 - Deadline for submission of proposals to Leverhulme: 11th January 2012


All applicants are strongly encouraged to have drafts of their applications reviewed by colleagues throughout the proposal development process. It is up to applicants to make suitable peer review arrangements by consulting with their school's Director of Research and research administration staff. Proposals should be peer reviewed against the call specifics set out by Leverhulme at