Tuesday, 23 November 2010

EPSRC Collaboration Fund

There is an EPSRC Collaboration Fund call out.

This is a pilot funding initiative with aim of facilitating the exploitation of economic outcomes deriving from research that has previously benefited from EPSRC grant support. Grant support will only be provided to projects that involve a research organisation in collaboration with at least one commercialising entity. The focus of this collaboration should be the commercial exploitation of EPSRC supported research and the transfer of knowledge from academia to industry.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 03 December 2010.

What will it support

These activities might include, but are not limited to:

- Developing a prototype with the involvement of a commercialising partner;

- Undertaking trials and testing with a commercialising partner;

- Technical development that will offer a competitive edge or improve points of differentiation;

- Incorporation of the technology into an existing product, service or process;

- Market research which validates the commercial strategy and route to market;

- Undertaking an assessment of potentially competing technologies to validate unique selling points;

- Undertaking product demonstrations to potential customers or evaluation of the technology by potential end users.

The Fund will specifically not support:

- 'Blue sky' research;

- Applied research for companies;

- Associated intellectual property costs e.g. patent costs;

Awards will not exceed £100,000 (before fEC has been applied) Enquiries should be made to Finance South East: http://www.financesoutheast.com/ourfunds/index.aspx?id=1312

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Preparatory access through PRACE

Invitation for proposals: Preparatory access for researchers to test and develop their codes to ensure suitability for the PRACE Tier-0 systems.

Closing Date: No Closing Date


Monday, 15 November 2010

EU Funding Bulletin | Nov 2010 | Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

EU Funding Bulletin

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

ERI Research Support and Development

November 2010

Welcome to the latest issue of our occasional e-newsletter on European funding for information and communication technology (ICT) research. The main story this issue is the January 2011 deadline for September's new /Cooperation /ICT calls. Read down and click on the links to find out more.

Cooperation - recent ICT calls

At the end of September, the European Commission announced two new ICT/Cooperation /calls with January 2011 deadlines. These are in addition to the calls announced back in July that have deadlines over the new few weeks.

Cooperation /ICT calls - January 2011 deadlines http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2MywxNTczMjYwODU=

Cooperation/ ICT calls - pre-Christmas deadlines


If you are applying to any of these calls, please let us know http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2NSwxNTczMjYwODU

New ERC Advanced Grant call

The latest call for European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants was issued on 4th November. The deadline for physical science and engineeringapplications is 9th February 2011. The UK Research Office is running information sessions for prospective applicants.

ERC Advanced Grant call and information sessions


Visit our website


Research Support and Development


ERI's Research Support and Development team provides a comprehensive range of services to assist University of Edinburgh staff with their applications for research funding.

Events - Coming up http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk2OSwxNTczMjYwODU=

See our events calendar for information about upcoming events related to EU research funding and policy.

Want more?

See our new blog and EU webpages for updates on EU and other research funding news.

Blog http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk3MCwxNTczMjYwODU=

EU homepage http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=NDA5Mjk3MSwxNTczMjYwODU=

Friday, 5 November 2010

Introducing the FET Young Explorers Scheme

Future and Emerging Technologies Open Scheme (FET-Open) Directorate General Information Society and Media, European Commission

FET-Open is pleased to announce a new funding initiative targeted at Europe's young scientists with high potential.

* FET Young Explorers* is a continuous scheme which is designed with the needs of young researchers and scientists in mind. It can provide some of Europe's most promising young scientists with the opportunity to take their ideas forward in the form of small STREP proposals, with possibility of funding in the order of EUR 1 million.

Successful projects must be led by a young researcher, and the leadership by young researchers of all work packages is also required. No more than six years should have elapsed between the award of a Ph.D. (or equivalent) for each such young researcher and the date of submission of the short proposal.

FET-Open has high ambitions for the scheme. It is looking for ideas from Europe's best young scientists, first ever ideas which can change the face of ICT and computing forever.

In keeping with the FET-Open spirit, the FET Young Explorers scheme is continuously open, and applies a two-step submission scheme and FET-Open specific eligibility and evaluation criteria.

More information on FET Young Explorers is available on the FET-Open web site http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/fet-open/ye_en.html or by contacting prabhat.agarwal@ec.europa.eu

Or why not join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brussels/FET-Open/103501099699232?

Thursday, 4 November 2010

The RSE Enterprise Fellowship

The Royal Society of Edinburgh Enterprise Fellowships are an excellent vehicle to fund commercial development of your research idea. Historically, Informatics has done very well in competition for these awards.

More info and forms are here: http://www.royalsoced.org.uk/research_fellowships/scot_ent.htm

This is a reminder of the upcoming application deadline for the current round. All applications and supporting material must be delivered to the Royal Society by Friday November 12.

You must work with your Business Development Executive to complete this application as it requires input from the University.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Invention for Innovation Programme (i4i) - NHS

Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme

The new i4i Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme launches on 25 October 2010. Condensed to two funding streams to simplify the application process, i4i has a vision to transform health and healthcare through applied Research and Development and the provision of business advice to medical technology professionals.

For more information follow this link:
