Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Funding opportunities with the NIHR SDO programme

The NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) programme improves health outcomes for people by commissioning research evidence that improves practice in relation to the organisation and delivery of healthcare. It also builds research capability and capacity to carry out research amongst those who manage, organise and deliver services and to improve their understanding of the research literature and how to use research evidence.


The NIHR SDO programme is advertising a call for research into promising local innovations in healthcare delivery. Innovations to be researched are likely to have all or most of the following characteristics: · Promising innovations in healthcare delivery which have a substantial potential benefit and could be applied more widely in the NHS. · Being piloted, tested or implemented in a number of healthcare organisations. · Involving the application of ideas or technologies introduced or transferred from other countries, sectors or settings. · Focused on service delivery and management issues in healthcare organisations. · And have not already been well explored and tested through research.

This call requires partnership between healthcare organisations and health service researchers with expertise in evaluation. For instance, a project evaluating a new form of diabetes care across a whole health economy might have input from an academic health services team, a lead clinician and the local diabetes network.

Applicants are asked to submit outline proposals for the above call by 5pm on Thursday 16 December. http://www.sdo.nihr.ac.uk/10_1013.html?utm_source=call_alert_OCT&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10_1013_call

Monday, 18 October 2010

Australian Research Funding Initiatives - new opportunities for collaboration

Opening up of Australian research funding initiatives gives EU researchers new opportunities for collaboration

Researchers in the EU now have increased opportunities to participate in Australian research programmes thanks to the recent opening up of major Australian-funded research funding initiatives.

Schemes include the Australian Research Council's Competitive Grants Programme and The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's Flagship Fund.

A new project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is being launched in November to raise awareness of opportunities for European-Australian research collaboration throughout the European research community.

AUS-ACCESS4EU is one of a number of ACCESS4EU projects which aim to increase the European research community's awareness of opportunities to participate in research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) programmes in industrialised countries outside Europe.

The project will be launched at an Information Day in London on 8 November and a further seven events are planned in cities throughout Europe. Speakers from the project's partner organisations will be joined by leading members of the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). In addition European researchers who have participated in research programmes in Australia will give a personal perspective on their experience.

The Information Day will be of particular interest to research managers and administrators in universities and other institutions.

For further information about AUS-ACCESS4EU and the Information Day please go to http://www.access4.eu/australia/618.php

To reserve a place at the Information Day please email us at aus-access4.eu@britishcouncil.org mailto:aus-access4.eu@britishcouncil.org to request a registration form.

The organisations involved in the Information Days are:

Australian National University, ANU www.anu.edu.au http://www.anu.edu.au/ ANU was established by the Chifley government in 1946 to build Australia's intellectual infrastructure. It is driven by its founding mission to advance the cause of learning and research in Australia and take its place amongst the great universities of the world.

Australian Research Council, ARC www.arc.gov.au http://www.arc.gov.au/ The ARC is a statutory authority within the Australian Government's Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (IISR) portfolio. Its mission is to deliver policy and programmes that advance Australian research and innovation globally and benefit the community.

British Council www.britishcouncil.org http://www.britishcouncil.org/ The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Its purpose is to build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide. It seeks to achieve its aims by working in education, science, governance, English and the arts. In 2008/09, its programmes reached a total audience of 221 million people worldwide

Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO www.csiro.au http://www.csiro.au/ The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is Australia's national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world.

Forum for European-Australian Science & Technology cooperation, FEAST www.feast.org http://www.feast.org/ The Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology Cooperation (commonly known as "FEAST") is an organisation established by the Australian Government and the European Union to highlight, promote, and facilitate research collaboration between their respective communities.

International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Centre, DLR www.dlr.de/en http://www.dlr.de/en The International Bureau has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to strengthen the international ties of German universities, research institutes and enterprises with the ultimate goal of building competencies and fostering competitive advantages for industry and the research community in Germany in the areas of research and innovation. In doing so, the International Bureau is making an important contribution to cultivating an international dimension within the research programmes of the BMBF.

National Health & Medical Research Council, NHMRC www.nhmrc.gov.au http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/ The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak body for supporting health and medical research; for developing health advice for the Australian community, health professionals and governments; and for providing advice on ethical behaviour in health care and in the conduct of health and medical research.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Opportunity for Post-Graduate Research Fellowships in Canada

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission have an exciting opportunity for postdoctoral researchers within the humanities, the social sciences, the natural sciences and engineering. The Canadian Government has invited the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK to nominate up to fifteen candidates for one year 'Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships' in Canada in 2011 and they are seeking applications from suitably qualified candidates from which to select their nominees.

Note that the Commission can only accept applications from UK citizens and candidates should have been awarded their PhD within the last three years (or to have completed the PhD requirements before taking up the award in September 2011).

Applications must be made using the online application system provided by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) by the 15 November 2010, and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK by the 25 November 2010. The Commission will then make their own selections and will nominate candidates to CBIE for their consideration in January 2011.

Full information about the Fellowships, including a link to the application form, can be found on their Website at: http://www.cscuk.org.uk/apply/outward_awards.asp http://www.cscuk.org.uk/apply/outward_awards.asp and any queries can be addressed to: csfpout@acu.ac.uk mailto: Acsfpout@acu.ac.uk

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

JISC calls eContent programme

JISC invites institutions to submit funding proposals for projects to be funded as part of its e-content programme for 2011. Funding of up to £840,000 is available within two strands:

Strand A - Enriching via Collaboration Using collaboration to cluster, repackage and re-present existing digital content. Total funding available £400,000. Up to 5 projects will be funded. Maximum funding for any one project is £100,000

Strand B - Developing Community Content To develop new content and communities for educational and social purposes. Total funding available £440,000. Up to 6 projects will be funded. Maximum funding for any one project is £100,000.

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 12:00 noon UK time on Friday 10 December 2010. Projects should start by 1 March 2011 and may run for up to 7 months. All projects must be complete by 30 September 2011.

JISC is hosting an event to give delegates more information about the call, and also give the opportunity for networking to take place. More information on the event, which takes place in London on 28 October 2010, is available from http://bit.ly/boeSzm.

Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via SFC, DCELLS Wales and DEL Northern Ireland. FE institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate how the work supports the HE in FE agenda.

Further information can be found at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/09/grant1110.aspx

Internal selection process for next JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants call

As you may be aware, the next deadline for JISC's Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/02/ltig5.aspx)

is forecast to be in December 2010 (http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/futurecalls/grant.aspx). The University will only be permitted to lead on *one* proposal that is submitted to this December deadline. To select this proposal, the University will follow the general process detailed on the attached document. The key information for this round of JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants is as follows:

- Deadline for receipt of outline applications for internal selection: Monday 18th October 2010, 5pm

- Deadline for return of result of internal selection process: Wednesday 20th October 2010, 5pm

- JISC deadline for receipt of proposals: December 2010 (to be announced)

If you plan to submit an outline proposal to the internal selection process, please ensure that it takes the following format:

- Is approximately one (1) A4 page in length.

- Gives a summary of the proposed objectives, timescale and required resources.

- Exemplifies how the proposed work addresses the key criteria of the JISC call.

- Demonstrates how the proposal will excite the JISC reviewers.

Please submit your outline to *sarah.anderson@ed.ac.uk mailto:sarah.anderson@ed.ac.uk by the deadline of 5pm on Monday 18th October. The internal selection process will be conducted by John Lee and Hamish Macleod, with the result being approved by Jeff Haywood.

JISC RIM Call for Proposals (deadline noon on 15th Nov 2010)

The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) invites institutions to submit funding proposals for projects in a number of areas to improve the infrastructure for education and research. The call is available on the JISC website at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2010/10/grant1510.aspx.

The closing date for proposals is 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 15 November 2010. Funding is available for projects starting from February 2011, for up to 12 months.

A briefing paper has been produced to accompany this call. The briefing paper is also available on the JISC website at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/funding/2010/10/1510briefingpaper.pdf.

Bidders are strongly advised to read the relevant areas of the briefing paper alongside the call document.

A community briefing event is being held on Monday 11 October 2010, from 10.00am -16.30pm at London House [http://www.londonhouse.org.uk/], Goodenough College, London. Potential bidders will be given information about the background to the call, its objectives and the bidding process. There will be opportunities to ask questions of JISC executive staff, and for one-to-one discussions with JISC programme managers about specific areas of the call. Members of the community are invited to register for the meeting at https://www.eventsforce.net/jisc/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=17809&eventID=70.

The total number of participants at the briefing event is restricted so institutions should register as soon as possible. Eligibility Proposals may be submitted by HE institutions funded via HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW and DEL Northern Ireland, and by FE institutions funded via SFC, DCELLS Wales and DEL Northern Ireland. FE institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate how the work supports the HE in FE agenda.

UoE Moray Endowment small grants competition - deadline 12/11/10

Please see below some information on the UoE Moray Endowment small grants competition. The submission deadline for applications is 12/11/10.

The Fund is intended to support original research in any discipline. Funds are awarded via an annual competition. No awards are made outwith the competition period. The Fund will support: - Pump-priming of research projects to attract outside support - Topping-up funds for research projects, for which support has been exhausted - Typically, requests for equipment in the broadest sense of the word - Support towards travelling expenses in cases where this is vital to the successful completion of a project

Further information and application form: http://www.eri.ed.ac.uk/research-support-and-development/research-development/funding-opportunities/Moray.html