Friday, 19 March 2010

Science and Engineering /Research Funding News/ ERI Research Support and Development

*Research Professional - New Web Address*

Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities to which the University subscribes. The URL for Research Professional is changing - to the easier-to-remember


This URL is live now.

You will still be able to use the existing URL for Research Professional -

- until 29th March 2010. After 29th March, only the new URL will work. Please make sure the Research Professional URL is updated on any websites you maintain.

*Updated Prior Information on Next Year's EU Calls*

*EU 2020 Launched*

The European Commission recently launched its new ten-year strategy - EU 2020. For research, the strategy aims to:

* Increase the spend on research and development to 3% of EU GDP * Focus research on challenges which are facing Europe: energy, security, transport, climate change, health and ageing * Streamline the admin associated with research applications

*Wellcome Trust Investigator Awards*

Further information on how the Trust will be implementing this new initiative.

*Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards*

This scheme enables postdoctoral academics to undertake lecturing or research in the US for a period of three to 10 months. Deadline is *31st May 2010*.

*Daiwa Adrian Prizes*

To recognise scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams. Contributions should have been made primarily to the pure or applied sciences; a social science or educational element is permissable. Previous awards have been for £10,000-15,000. This is a triennial competition, so if you don't apply now, you'll have to wait a while! The deadline for applications is *Friday 4th June 2010*.

*New Website for EU-Russia Collaboration*

A new website which aims to help with science and technology cooperation between the EU and Russia has been launched.

*Funding Opportunities*

*EPSRC Collaboration Fund*

To translate research previously financed by the EPSRC into a viable commercial application. Next deadline for expressions of interest is *1st April 2010*.

*EPSRC Policy Fellowships with DEFRA*

To provide greater engineering involvement with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Deadline is *13th April 2010*.

*Crop Improvement Research & Technology Club, BBSRC*

For interdisciplinary projects lasting up to 5 years. Deadline is *28th April 2010*.

*Our Events*

*An Introduction to Research Funding*

Together, ERI and Transkills deliver this course to help early career researchers locate and successfully apply for suitable sources of research funding. Course content includes information on available schemes, who to speak to in the University for help, and hints and tips from successful researchers.

We have two School-specific sessions of this workshop coming up:

* Informatics - Date: 22nd April 2010 - Confirmed academic speaker: Douglas Armstrong - Time: 10:00-14:00 (includes lunch) - Venue: Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place - Booking: email

*Industry Partnerships and Funding for Biomedical Research*


This event aims to give an overview to biomedical researchers of industry partnering opportunities in the pharma sector. The event features an introduction from Dr Mike Capaldi, Edinburgh BioQuarter Commercialisation Director; a talk on 'Working with Pharma' from Allison Jeynes-Ellis, Medical and Innovation Director of the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI); and an overview of industry funding and consultancy opportunities from Edinburgh Research and Innovation.

* Date: 14th May 2010 * Time: 12:00-14:00 * Venue: Lecture Theatre A, The Chancellors Building, 49 Little France Crescent (map

* Catering: Includes lunch (served at 13:00) * Booking: MyEd

*Put a note in your diary...*

...for EU week! In the first week of May 2010 (3rd-7th), we'll be holding a whole programme of events to give you information about and advice on applying for funding in the second half of EU Framework Programme 7. Funding available from the Framework Programme is going up and is recession-proof for the next three years - it's worth coming along!

*Events by Others*

*Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) Information Day*

The fifth EU Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) call is expected to open in July 2010. This event is an opportunity to get tips on applying to the scheme, find out about what support is on offer for when you're preparing an application, and network with potential project partners.

* Date: 30th March 2010 * Time: 10:00-early afternoon * Venue: Apex House, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh (map * Booking: Online

A representative of the NMP programme will also be at the University's EU Week during the first week of May - see above.

*Green Week 2010*

The European Commission's Green Week will take place in Brussels 1st-4th June 2010. The theme of the Week is biodiversity. Topics covered will include: the state of biodiversity and nature; the impact of biodiversity on human health; nature's role in climate change; agricultural land use; urban biodiversity; green infrastructure.

EPSRC policy fellowships in Defra

EPSRC invite applicants for 3 "policy fellowships" within Defra, for summer 2010, to promote knowledge exchange between the engineering community and Defra

G8 Research Councils Initiative

The G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding CALL FOR PRELIMINARY PROPOSALS IS NOW OPEN Interdisciplinary Program on Application Software towards Exascale Computing for Global Scale Issues

The G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding is a coordinated effort to support multilateral research partnerships. The programme aims to support excellent research on topics of global relevance which can best be tackled by a multinational approach. Funding should help researchers to cooperate in consortia consisting of partners from at least three of the participating countries.

Monday, 15 March 2010

2nd CfP Data Mining in Life Science DMLS 2010

Data Mining in Life Sciences
Workshop on Data Mining in Life Sciences DMLS'2010
July 14, 2010, Berlin/Germany

Workshop Chair
Isabelle Bichindaritz, University of Washington, USA

Workshop Committee
Riccardo Bellazzi, University of Pavia, Italy Kung-Ma Chao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Michel Dojat, UM INSERM-UJF U594 , France Peter Funk, Malardalen University, Sweden Sophia Katrenko University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Xiaoqiu Huang, Iowa state University, USA Jingchu Luo, Peking University, China Stefania Montani, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy Oleg Okun, Precise Biometrics, Sweden Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Germany Frank-Michael Schleif, University Leipzig, Germany Rainer Schmidt, Institut fur Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie, Germany Malika Smail-Tabbone, LORIA, France Paolo Soda, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy Herna L. Viktor, University of Ottawa, Canada Scope of the Workshop
Data mining in biology and medicine is a core component of biomedical informatics, and one of the first intensive applications of computer science to this field, whether at the clinic, the laboratory, or the research center. Following a long tradition of data exploration stemming from biostatistical data analysis, todays's biomedical data mining appears more multifaceted with advances in knowledge discovery in databases as well as machine learning approaches.

The goals of this workshop are to:
provide a forum for identifying important contributions and opportunities for research on data mining as it applies to biological and/or medical data, promote the systematic study of how to apply data mining to biology and medicine, and show case applications of data mining in biology and medicine. Some of the technical issues addressed, and potential outcomes of the workshop, are to identify preferred types of mining methods, tools, and processes, preferred domains of application, how to connect a data mining model with a problem to solve, challenges specific to applying data mining to biology and medicine, and guidelines to better develop data mining projects in this domain. We welcome all those interested in the problems and promise of data mining in biology or medicine as well as in bioinformatics, Human Genome Project, environmental sciences and agriculture.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
With regard to different types of data:

Discovery of high-level structures, including e.g. association networks Text mining from biomedical literatur Medical images mining Biomedical signals mining Temporal and sequential data mining Mining heterogeneous data Mining data from molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, pylogenetic classification With regard to different methodologies and case studies:

Data mining project development methodology for biomedicine Integration of data mining in the clinic Ontology-driver data mining in life sciences Methodology for mining complex data, e.g. a combination of laboratory test results, images, signals, genomic and proteomic samples Data mining for personal disease management Utility considerations in DMLS, including e.g. cost-sensitive learning We particularly welcome case studies and applications and discussions of the lessons learned from such case studies Workshop Format
In this workshop we intend to bring scientists together and actively identify common research threads, define open problems, and develop collaborative contacts. We aimed at providing an informal atmosphere where participants are encouraged to ask clarifying questions throughout the talks and to participate in longer discussions after each presentation. Since we anticipate varied backgrounds of the participants, we will encourage speakers to present their work from a big-picture perspective and to clearly identify key issues in their research before they dive into technical details.

A wrap-up round table discussion will summarize the lessons learnt, issues identified, and future directions.

Submission Requirements
Papers will be published in the workshop proceedings by IBaI Publishing. PostScript (compressed and uuencoded) or PDF paper submissions should be formatted according to Springer LNCS format, with a maximum of ten pages. Author's instructions along with LaTeX and Word macro files are available on the web at .

Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper through the CMS-system. If you have any problems with the system please do not hesitate to contact
Authors of the selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit their revised and extended papers to a journal special issue.

Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2010 Notification Date: May 24th, 2010 Camera-Ready Deadline: June 4th, 2010 Workshop date: July 14th, 2010
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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

SE Funding News | 26th Feb | Bumper International Funding Issue | Next Year's EU Calls | Latest Domestic Funding Opportunities

*RSE/BP Research Fellowship*

These awards will now only be awarded every other year, but new awards will last for five years instead of three. Deadline is *15th March 2010*.

*Universal Biotech Innovation Prize for 2010*

For best therapeutic innovation made by an academic researcher or young company. Deadline is *2nd April 2010.*

*L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Fellowships 2010*

For female life and physical science researchers without a permanent academic post. Deadline is *7th April 2010*.

*Railway Capacity Call, EPSRC*

For cross-disciplinary collaborations which develop novel approaches to overcome the capacity constraints of stations and junctions on the main line rail network in Great Britain. Deadline is *14th April 2010*.

*JISC Grants for E-Learning*

The latest round of JISC's Learning and Teaching Innovation Grants is now open. Deadline is *19th April 2010*.

*BBSRC Advanced Training Partnerships*

*Philip Leverhulme Prizes, Leverhulme Trust*

A number of awards - £70,000 each - for outstanding scholars under the age of 36. The College has done well with these before. Nominations must be received by *17th May 2010*.


*An Introduction to Research Funding - Informatics*

Download a poster!;

This workshop is aimed at researchers who are about to embark on a postdoctoral research career. It provides and overview of funding options, practical guidance on preparing an application and an opportunity to hear from successful researchers.

* Date: 22nd April 2010 * Time: 10:00-14:00 * Venue: Sydney Smith Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place * Booking: email

See our website or the transkills website for courses for other Schools.

*Save the date...* the Leverhulme Trust will be visiting the University on 23rd September 2010. More details will follow in due course.

*Events from Others*

*MRC/EPSRC Healthy Ageing and Physical Environment Workshop*

On behalf of the RCUK Lifelong Health and Wellbeing initiative, the MRC and the EPSRC are hosting a workshop on Healthy Ageing and the Physical Environment in co-operation with Tsinghua University in China. Professor Nick Tyler, Director of the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing CRUCIBLE initiative, will be organising and leading the workshop.

* Workshop date: 15th-16th May 2010 * Workshop location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China * Deadline for applications to participate: 5th March 2010 * Applying: Short form on the EPSRC website

*Coaching for Public Talks*

The Edinburgh Beltane will be running a coaching session during March for those who are planning public talks in the next few months. Possible dates for the session are the 15th March or the week commencing either the 22nd or 29th March. If you're interested in attending, please contact Ruth Edwards, stating your preferred range of dates.

*Life Sciences - Investing in Discovery*

Event on securing investment for life sciences R&D that is being held here in Edinburgh. Speakers include Professor Anne Glover and Edinburgh's own Professor Sir John Savill and Professor Steve Yearley.

* Date: 23rd March 2010 * Venue: Our Dynamic Earth, Holyrood, Edinburgh * Booking: Email

*Information Day on the 2011 EU Health Work Programme*

Details of 2011 calls that will be made under the EU's Framework Programme Health will be released in July 2010. There will be an information day for potential applicants in June 2010 (likely to be the 8th June) in Brussels. We'll bring you more details as they become available.

Visit our website

Research Support and Development ERI's Research Support and Development team provides a comprehensive range of services to assist University of Edinburgh academics with their applications for research funding.

Events - Coming up

*An Introduction to Research Funding*

Need More Funding Ideas?

As a member of the University, you have free access to Research Professional This is an on-line, searchable, near-exhaustive database of research funding opportunities from all over the globe. Browse on campus or register to access the site from home.

Research Policy News

You can now also get research policy news from Research Professional delivered

straight to your inbox! Here are some instructions to get you started.

Deadline Calendar

The upcoming deadlines for 2010 for the main science and engineering funders can be viewed online and downloaded here

*ERI Research Support and Development* College of Science and Engineering Follow us on twitter

Monday, 1 March 2010

SE Funding News | 26th Feb | Bumper International Funding Issue | Next Year's EU Calls

*Wellcome Trust - Implementation of New Investigator Awards*

Applications for this new scheme will be accepted from 1st October 2010. If you wish to send an application for consideration at the first Investigator Awards funding round, you will need to apply before the closing date of Monday 22nd November 2010. Full scheme details will be available from 2nd June 2010.

To manage demand, you will not be able to apply for an Investigator Award if you:

* Are waiting to hear the result of an application to one of the schemes being phased out.
* Are the holder of a programme grant with more than 2 years left to run.

For further information, see the Wellcome Trust's website

*2011 EU Calls on Security*
a draft of the EU Security Work Programme for 2011 - lists all of the topics that are likely to come up when the calls open in summer 2010. Calls will probably have deadlines in November 2010 and will look at:
* Important capability gaps which can be filled using current technologies
* Validation of existing security solutions
* Key, critical capabilities needed by Europe where technologies are not yet mature
* High-risk/high-gain projects which may help the long-term development of new technologies

*Getting a Feel for Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships*
Interested in applying for or hosting a Marie Curie Fellowship (a type of postdoctoral fellowship), but like more info on what a project actually consists of? The EU has produced a document
which gives detailed information about projects already funded through the Marie Curie programme.

*International Collaboration*
*Royal Society of Edinburgh International Exchange Programme*
We've just heard that there is another round of funding available under this programme before the end of the financial year. The next deadline for both the Bilateral (= specific countries) and Open (= any countries not covered by Bilateral) schemes is *12th March 2010.*

*Edinburgh Global Development Fund*
The Edinburgh Global Fund (EG Fund) has been established to support the University's internationalisation activities. It will support the costs of building international partnerships and collaborative programme development, among other things. It will not support conference travel.

The Fund is intended for pump-priming activity, with the total award usually needing to be spent within the financial year in which the award is made. No strict cash limit is given.
Planned deadlines for the fund are *26th March and 10th September 2010* and *14th January 2011*.
Applicants may also wish to have a look at the Edinburgh Global website

*International Research Staff Exchange Scheme*
This scheme aims to strengthen research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between European research organisations and organisations from outside the EU. It can be used to establish or reinforce long-term research co-operation. You get EUR 1900 per researcher per month ? so probably a top-up rather than full salary ? and the costs of networking, management and some overheads.

Anyone interested in applying should make sure they speak to Angela Noble (
first - Angela can give you the full pros and cons! This FAQ document
also provides valuable information. The deadline is *25th March 2010*.

*Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange (BIRAX)*
The aim of this scheme is to strengthen academic cooperation between universities in the UK and Israel by awarding grants for joint research. Funding of up to £30,000 is available for all fields of scientific research on the theme of 'Global Challenges in Energy and the Environment'. The deadline is *11th April 2010*.

*UK-China Research Projects in Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies, EPSRC*
Following on from two previous calls, collaborations between Chinese and UK researchers are invited on the topics of:

New technologies based on material advances
. Simulation and modelling of capture and transport
. Predicting and monitoring reservoir response
. CCS potential and pipeline network optimisation
. Solvent based post combustion capture
. CO2 physical properties and flow metering
Projects can last up to three years. A total of £4 million, half of which is from the Natural Science Foundation of China, is available to fund three or four projects. The deadline for applications is *15th April 2010*. *New European Science Foundation Calls*
All opportunities offered by the Foundation have in common a commitment to networking within Europe. The 2010 series of calls has just been announced.

*EUROCORES Outline Proposals*
Supports collaborative research involving at least three European countries. UK-based researchers can only participate in the call "Molecular Science for a Conceptual Transition from Fossil to Solar Fuels
the deadline for which (outlines only) is *26th March 2010.*

*Exploratory Workshops*
For a single workshop which will take place between February and December 2011. Will be open for applications shortly.

*EUROCORES Theme Proposals*
An opportunity to suggest topics for new, collaborative research programmes opens shortly. Successful suggestions will be released as calls for proposals in 2011.

*Research Conferences*
For a three day conference involving researchers from Europe and beyond. Will open for applications shortly.

*Research Networking Programmes*
For long-term networking activity for countries both within and outwith Europe. Call opens in July.

JISC Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants

The fifth round of JISC's Learning & Teaching Innovation Grants ( has just been launched. Only one proposal from Edinburgh can go into this current round, which has a deadline of 19th April 2010.

UoE internal deadline 0900 on 29th March.

An outline proposal of approx one side of A4, should address these points:
- Short summary of the proposal - objectives, timescale, resources needed
- How the proposal directly addresses the JISC call - match to their criteria etc
- What will excite JISC reviewers and lead them to rate the proposal as innovative

Please contact Julie Young (young@inf) if you intend to apply.