*Funding Policy Opportunity*
*EPSRC Portfolio Day: Neurodegenerative Diseases <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg4NywxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>*
An opportunity to influence the direction of future EPSRC research within this healthcare area. Deadline is *5th January 2010*
*Latest Calls (by deadline)*
*EU Science and Technology Fellowship Programme China* <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg4OCwxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>
For postdoctoral researchers in any discipline to spend two years in China. New extended deadline is *4th January 2010*
*Industrial Fellowships, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg4OSwxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>*
Can cover EngD research, in which case University receives honorarium on completion. Deadline is *28th January 2010** *
*Research Fellowship, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg5MCwxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>*
Three year postdoc-level fellowship for researchers in any branch of science or engineering. Deadline is *25th February 2010*
*RSE/BBSRC Enterprise Fellowship <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg5MSwxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>*
Allows fellow to concentrate on developing the commercial potential of their research, whilst also receiving formal training in relevant business skills. Deadline is *4th May 2010*
*Events Run by Others*
*Business Exchange for the Life Sciences 9th Dec 2009, London <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg5MywxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>*
Opportunity for researchers to meet with UK and international companies, and to learn about new initiatives in the UK life sciences sector. Followed by Genesis 2009 - a biotechnology networking conference - on 10th December. <http://system.newzapp.co.uk/GLink.asp?LID=MjgzNzg5NCwxMTkyMDE2Mzk=>